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TitleSkrb za pripadnike oboroženih sil na mirovnih operacijah in misijah : diplomsko delo višješolskega študijskega programa
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Zanut, Matjaž (Author)
Mahmutović, Jasmin (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:High school thesisOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:skrb za pripadnike, oborožene sile, mirovne operacije in misije, vojaški voditeljUDC:355.356/.357:(043.2)COBISS_ID:4756430Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 9432 ogledov; 64 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf VIS_Zanut_Matjaz_i2013.pdf (591,97 KB)
Abstract:Skrb za pripadnike oboroženih sil izhaja iz davnih časov, ko so vojščaki bili bitko za zmago, obenem pa bili deležni zaplenjenih dobrin. Skozi zgodovino se je skrb za pripadnike razvijala in napredovala. Danes imamo v različnih vojskah različne pristope in programe skrbi za pripadnike. Večina vojska ima številne programe, ki omogočajo dobro pripravo pripadnikov pred, med in po izvajanju nalog doma in v tujini. Vse več vojska daje pomemben poudarek in skrb za pripadnikovo družino, ki mu je v podporo. To zavedanje kaže, kako pomembno vlogo igra pripadnikova družina. V diplomski nalogi sem se osredotočil na predstavitev različnih programov namenjenih skrbi za pripadnike, ki so napoteni na mirovne operacije in misije, daljša izobraževanja v tujino, usposabljanja in vojaške vaje. Tako kot vsak sistem ima tudi ta svoje prednosti in pomanjkljivosti, s katerimi se srečujemo pri izvajanju. Cilj je, da lahko zagotovimo pripadnikom dobro skrb zanj in za njihove družinske člane ter s tem povečamo osredotočenost na izvedbo zadanih nalog. V oboroženih silah so v celostno skrb za pripadnike vključeni ljudje, sredstva in čas. Ti dejavniki skrbijo za vzpostavitev uravnoteženega sistema, ki daje smisel kulturi medsebojnih odnosov, vzdrževanje bojne in delovne morale, za dvig psihofizične pripravljenosti, visoke motiviranosti za delo in vzpostavitev skrbi za pripadnike in njihove družinske člane. Zaradi naštetega smo priča nenehnemu uvajanju novih programov celostne skrbi za pripadnike in njihove družinske člane.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:Taking care of soldiers is not something new and extraordinary. It started in the ancient times when the main benefits after the battle was won were seized goods like food, women, gold, weapons etc. Through times the ways of taking care of soldiers have developed. Today we are familiar with various ways how to approach the soldiers and different programmes have been developed. These programmes allow us to sufficiently prepare the soldiers before going on the home and overseas mission, during this mission and after the return. We all are aware how important our families are to us and that is why special emphasis is put on the soldierʼs family members while their father/mother, son/daughter, husband/wife is away on duty. Throughout the diploma I present various ways how to take care of the soldiers when they are sent on peace operations and overseas missions, on longer lasting educational and qualification courses which take place abroad or military exercises. It is no secret that almost every system has advantages as well as disadvantages and welfare programmes for the soldiers are no exception. The main goal of every welfare programme should be to assure the soldier and his/her family the best care possible because knowing that your family is secure makes it possible forthe soldier to be concentrated on his army duties and less in danger to getkilled or wounded. In army forces there are three factors included in the welfare programmes: people, money and material. All these three factors are necessary to maintain stability in the programmes which help to maintain cultural relationships possible, programmes keep combat as well as working morale high, motivate soldiers for doing their job, lift psycho-physical readiness of soldiers and last but not least these programmes take care of soldier and their loved-ones. That is why we witness new welfare programmes being developed and introduced in practice.Keywords:welfare of soldiers, army forces, peace operations and missions, military leader