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TitleTovarištvo v bojni enoti : diplomsko delo višješolskega študijskega programa
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Ivančič Plevnik, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Mahmutović, Jasmin (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:High school thesisOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:tovarištvo, voditeljstvo, boj, bojna enota, vrednoteUDC:177.7:355.422(043.2)COBISS_ID:4714446Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 9604 ogledov; 118 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf diplomska_naloga_Ales_Ivancic_Plevnik.pdf (955,26 KB)
Abstract:Tovarištvo je jedro notranje povezanosti in trdnosti enote. Izraža se z medsebojnim spoštovanjem, s pomočjo in prijateljstvom. Tovarištvo povezuje pripadnike bojnih enot v negotovem in nevarnem okolju in prispeva k ohranjanjubojne morale. Je dejavnik zadovoljstva pri opravljanju vojaške službe. (Furlan (et al.), 2006, 19) V bojni enoti je tovarištvo nujno potrebnoza izvajanje nalog v najbolj neugodnih pogojih, ki jih prinaša vojna, krizne razmere in vojaška posredovanja po svetu. Uspešnost izvedbe zadane naloge je odvisna od trdnosti in povezanosti vseh členov v enoti. Močna povezanost pripadnikov in s tem velika bojna morala je ključ do uspeha v vseh vrstah bojevanja. Razvijanje tovarištva je dolgotrajen postopek in vsebuje veliko različnih aktivnosti. Pri urjenju so pripadniki izpostavljeni neugodnim vremenskim pogojem, pomanjkanju spanca in povečani fizični obremenjenosti. To skupaj pripelje do stresa, ki je normalna reakcija na nenormalno dogajanje. Skupne športne aktivnosti pripeljejo do boljšega medsebojnega poznavanja in s tem posledično pripadnosti skupini. Pripadniki morajo biti izpostavljeni stresu, istim življenjskim pogojem, nevarnostim in izkušnjam, pri katerih se prebuja njihov bojni duh in veča pripadnost do enote. Brez tovarištva je enota na bojišču obsojena na neuspeh. Nezaupanje med vojaki in poveljniki vodi do sporov in neizpolnjevanja ukazov. Neizpolnjevanje ukazov ter s tem neizvrševanje nalog je lahko kritičnega pomena za preživetje enote v bojnem okolju. Že sama odsotnost od doma je za vojaka velik stres. Četudi je vojak na misiji v bazi in dokaj varnem okolju, je odsotnost tovarištva lahko ključnega pomena pri njegovem preživetju. Odsotnost zaupanja, tovarištva in spoštovanja lahko na misiji vodi v depresijo.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishTitle:Comradeship in combat unitAbstract:Companionship is the core of internal cohesion and strength of the unit. It isexpressed by mutual respect, with help to each other and friendship. Companionship connects members of combat units in an uncertain and dangerous environment and contributes to the preservation of combat morale. Companionship is a satisfaction factor in the performance of military service.(Furlan (et al.), 2006, 19) The comradeship in the combat unit is necessary to perform the tasks in the most unfavorable conditions, brought about by the war, emergency and military interventions around the world. Successful implementation of the given task depends on the strength and coherence of all elements in the unit. A strong link between members and a strong combat morale as a consequence is the key to success in any type of combat. Developing of the comradeship is a long process and consists of a widevariety of activities. During the drill all members are exposed to unfavourable weather conditions, lack of sleep and increased physical load. All these reasons together lead to stress which is a normal reaction to abnormal events and situations. Collective sports activities leading to a better mutual knowledge and, consequently, belong to a group. Members must be exposed to stress, to the same living conditions, dangers and experiences in which their battle awakens the spirit and increases loyalty to the unit. The unit on the battlefield is doomed to fail without companionship. Mistrust between soldiers and commanders lead to conflict and failure to perform commands. Failure to perform the orders and tasks can be critical for the survival of the unit in the battle environment. For a soldier the very fact ofbeing away from home is great stress. Even if a soldier on a mission in the base and in relatively safe environment is the lack of comradeship can be crucial to his survival. The absence of trust, companionship and respect on the mission can lead to depression.Keywords:comradeship, leadership, combat, combat unit, values