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Title:Javno naročilo nižje vrednosti : zaključna naloga
Authors:Magdič, Mitja (Author)
Kralj, Željko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Procesi javnega naročanja nižje vrednosti so skozi javna naročila nenehno vpeti v naš vsakdanjik in vsakdanjik raznih organizacij, gospodarskih družb inne nazadnje tudi institucij državne uprave, kot sta Ministrstvo za obrambo in Slovenska vojska. So nekakšen agregat gospodarstva, seveda v določenem deležu, ki vsekakor ni zanemarljiv, in prinašajo dinamične spremembe v okolje,v katerem delujejo. Slovensko gospodarstvo je dobilo s prevzemanjem Evropske zakonodaje nov zagon in nove priložnosti na mednarodnih trgih, saj seje naša zakonodaja postopoma prilagodila zakonodajnim postopkom EU. Za uspešno delovanje na področju javnih naročil nižje vrednosti je potrebno poznati zakonodajo na tem področju, njeno vpetost v sistem na vseh nivojih, hkrati pa aktivno spremljati novitete, ki prihajajo. Samo na takšen način smo lahko uspešni. Prav javna naročila nižjih vrednosti pa so pokazala na določene pomanjkljivosti v procesu in nujnosti prilagoditve današnjemu času, ki je neusmiljen s svojimi vzponi in padci. Prenova poslovnega procesa javnih naročil nižjih vrednosti mora temeljiti na povezljivosti z oddajo naročil velike vrednosti, enotnih zahtevah, potrebnih za spremljanje, izvajanje in ocenjevanje dosežene stopnje razvoja procesa. Zaradi tega je potrebno proces javnih naročil nižjih vrednosti neprestano izpopolnjevati in dograjevati s ciljem čim boljše racionalne porabe proračunskih sredstev na vseh področjih, še posebej pa na obrambnem področju Ministrstva za obrambo in področju Slovenske vojske, kjer so sredstva predvidena za tovrstno dejavnost, iz dneva v dan manjša.
Keywords:javno naročilo nižjih vrednosti, zakonodaja o javnem naročanju, Ministrstvo za obrambo, Slovenska vojska, enostavni postopek, racionalna poraba, učinkovitost, urea (umetno gnojilo)
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[M. Magdič Capello]
COBISS_ID:4692942 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Magdic_Mitja_i2011.pdf (2,63 MB)
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Abstract:Low value public procurement procedures are a part of our everyday life and everyday life of different organizations, companies and also institutions of the state administration, such as the Ministry of Defense and the Slovenian Armed Forces. They are a type of economy aggregate, in certain amount of course, that is not negligible, and they bring dinamic changes into the environment where they function. By adopting the EU legislation the Slovenian economy has gained new momentum and has got new opportunities on the international markets while gradually our legislation has adjusted to the EU legislative procedure. To be successful in the low value public procurement area one has to be familiar with the corresponding legislation and its integration in the sistem at all levels and at the same time actively monitor the novelties. Only in that way we can be successful. But it is exactly the low value public procurement that have shown certain process defects and the necessity to adjust to the actual circumstances that with their ups and downs have become unmerciful. Reform of the low value public procurement business process has to be based on the complementarity with the award of high value public procurement, uniform requirements that are needed in order to monitor, execute and evaluate the level of the progress made in the process. Therefore the low value public procurement process has to be constantly improved and updated in order to achieve the best rational use of the budget funds in all areas, especially in the defense area of Ministry of Defense and the SlovenianArmed Forces where there is less and less allocations for this activiety.
Keywords:low value public procurement, public procurement legislation, Ministry of Defence, Slovenian Armed Forces, simple method, rational use, operational efficiency, urea (chemical fertiliser)


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