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TitleIdentifikacijski sistemi (IFF - identification friend or foe) : zaključna naloga
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Martinčič, Mihael (Author)
Sanda, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate SchoolKeywords:identifikacija, IFF sistem, specifika vojaške identifikacijeUDC:621.396.9:623.618(043.4)COBISS_ID:4687310Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 8786 ogledov; 86 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Martincic_Mihael_i2011.pdf (786,99 KB)
Abstract:Namen zaključne naloge je predstaviti in opisati kako deluje in kaj vse sestavlja celotni sistem IFF (identification friend or foe). To je kompleksensistem med seboj odvisne moderne tehnologije, ki je praktično najpomembnejši del sodobnega nadzora letalskega prometa. Skupek moderne tehnologije z visoko zmogljivostjo, ki nam pomaga pravočasno in uspešno določiti vrsto letala in njegove namene, da lahko pravilno ukrepamo in postopamo po varnostnih procedurah. Dotaknil se bom tudi zgodovine razvoja sistema, ter kako so delovali prvi IFF sistemi, prvi aktivni sistemi in sistemi za identifikacijo, ki se jih uporablja še danes. Sistem IFF je v uporabi tako v vojski kot tudi v civilni sferi letalstva ter se tako tudi med seboj deloma razlikujeta v principu dela in identifikacijskih sistemih. Opisal bom civilne identifikacijske sisteme, vojaške identifikacijske sistemein skupne sisteme ter kateri so in kakšne so zahteve. Vojaški identifikacijski sistem je specifičen iz razloga identifikacije, ko ni možnosti elektronske identifikacije s pomočji IFF sistema v času krize in konflikta. takrat nastopijo proceduralne identifikacije, katere morejo v enoti za obdelavo radarskih podatkov zelo dobro poznati, da lahko uspešno in strokovno opravijo svoje delo.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:The purpose of presented work is a present and describe how it work and what the whole system consists of IFF (Identify Friend or Foe). This is a complex system of interdependent modern technology, which is practically the most important part of modern air traffic control. A collection of modern technologies with high performance, which help us to timely and successfully to determine the type of aircraft and its purpose to act correctly and proceeda security procedure. I also touched on the history of system development, and how they acted IFF systems, the first active systems and identification systems, which are used today. IFF system for the use of both military and civil aviation sphere and also between themselves somewhat different, in principle, work and identity systems. I'll describe civil identification systems and joint military systems and what are they and what are the requirements. Military identification system is also specific identification of the ground when there is no possibility of an electronic identification system with IFF help in times of crisis and conflict will occurand identify procedural, not by military controllers are well aware that it can effectively and professionally carry out their work.Keywords:identification, IFF system, military identification specification