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TitleFrequentis VCS 3020X Rel. 6.1 : zaključna naloga
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Authors:Ladič, Dominik (Author)
Pate, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate SchoolKeywords:glasovno komunikacijski sistem, jedrno/glavo stikalo, glasovno komuniciranjeUDC:621.39:623.618(043.4)COBISS_ID:4687054Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 9353 ogledov; 283 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Ladic_Dominik_i2011.pdf (1,99 MB)
Abstract:Glasovno komunikacijski sistem je edino sredstvo za komuniciranje med piloti, kontrolorji zračnega prometa, delavci kateri delajo na tleh ali na vzletno pristajalnih stezah, ostalimi deli zunaj letališča in celo med letališči. Frequentis VCS 3020X temelji na znanju in izkušnjah pridobljenih iz svetovno najbolj razširjene komunikacijske platforme VCS 3020, ter ponuja najbolj napredne VCS rešitve z največjim številom izvedenih funkcij. VCS 3020X vsebujeintegrirano glasovno komuniciranje v enem sistemu za radio, telefon in intercom povezave. Sistem ima neomejene konferenčne zmožnosti. VCS 3020X omogoča operaterju v vsakem trenutku dostop do vseh komunikacijskih kanalov, ne glede na obremenitev sistema. Na podlagi dveh vzporednih stikal jedro operacijskega po podvojenih poteh PCM / TDMA Frequentis VCS 3020X zagotavlja zanesljive komunikacijske storitve in obsežne funkcionalnost. Popolnoma digitalno glasovno komunikacijski sistem je namenjen za uporabo v srednje velikih in velikih ATC centrih, ter je nameščen v nekaterih največjih ATC po vsem svetu. VCS 3020X je posledica izkušenj, pridobljenih v zadnjih 50 letih. Frequentis je nameščen v več kot 10.000 lokacij v več kot 40 državah.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:The voice communication system is the sole means of communication between pilots, air traffic control personnel, ground workers on the runways, other parties external to the airport, and even other airports. The FREQUENTIS VCS 3020X, which is based on the know-how and experience built into the world's most proven voice communication platform - the VCS 3020 - offers the most advanced VCS solution with the biggest number of implemented features. VCS 3020X provides integrated voice communications for radio, telephone and intercom in one unique system, with unlimited conferencing capabilities. The VCS 3020X provides operator access to all communication channels, regardless of the system load at any time. Based on redundant parallel operating core switches with duplicated PCM/TDMA highways the FREQUENTIS VCS 3020X provides reliable communication services and extensive functionality. The fully digitalvoice communication system is designed for the application in medium and large sized ATC centres and is installed in some of the largest and prominent ATC centres worldwide. The VCS 3020X is the pinnacle of the experience accumulated in the past 50 years. FREQUENTIS has installed more than 10,000 positions in over 40 countries.Keywords:voice communication system, core switch, voice communications