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Title:Samovozna artilerijska oborožitev in oborožitveni sistemi danes in jutri : zaključna naloga
Authors:Marušič, Sebastjan (Author)
Lončarič, Borut (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Batič, Emil (Co-mentor)
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract: Artilerija je eden bolj pomembnih sistemov, katere mora sodobna vojska imeti v svoji sestavi, jih vzdrževati, nadgrajevati in po potrebi zamenjevati z ustreznimi sodobnimi sistemi. Artilerija predstavlja enega glavnih, v nekaterih vojskah celo glavni sistem za ognjeno podporo enot kopenske vojske.Razvoj na področju artilerijskih oborožitvenih sistemov gre nezadržno naprej in pred državami se pojavljajo dileme, v katero smer peljati razvoj njihovih artilerijskih enot. Hitrost dogajanja in spremembe v sodobnem svetu se neizogibno prenašajo tudi v obrambni sistem. Slovenija je v devetdesetih letih uvedla v uporabo robusten, natančen in dodelan sistem vlečne artilerije,top-havbico 155 mm TN 90. Zaradi svojih značilnosti to orožje postaja vse bolj omejeno za uporabo, v sodelovanju in za njihovo podporo, z hitro premičnimi enotami, kakršne je Slovenska vojska razvila v zadnjih letih.Poleg tega je odločitev in zaveza Republike Slovenije, da bo po svojih zmožnostih sodelovala v zavezništvu in v prispevala svoj delež operacijah kriznega odzivanja. Operacije te vrste pa se praviloma dogajajo na bolj ali manj oddaljenih območjih. Razvoj v svetu, zahteve in potrebe Slovenske vojske in zaveze, ki smo jih dali Atlantskemu zavezništvu, so nas pripeljale do tega,da je v Resoluciji o splošnem dolgoročnem programu razvoja in opremljanjaSV do leta 2025 zapisano, da bomo uvedli v Slovensko vojsko novi artilerijski sistem z vodenimi izstrelki.
Keywords:artilerija, samovozni artilerijski sistem (gosenični, kolesni), povečan domet, strelivo, hitrost streljanja
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[B. Lončarič]
COBISS_ID:4684238 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Marusic_Sebastjan_i2011.pdf (801,42 KB)
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Abstract:Artillery is one of the more important systems, which must modern army have inits composition, then to maintained, upgrade and, when necessary, to change with the relevant current systems. Artillery constitutes one of the main in certain armies whole main system for the fire support of units of the army. Developments in the field of artilery systems is going forward and before states appear of dilemma, to which direction to take development of their artillery units. Speed of developments and changes in the modern world is unavoidable transferred in defence system. Slovenia has introdused into use hardy, accurate and useful system of towed artillery within ninety years, gun-howitzer 155 mm TN 90. By virtue of their characteristics of these weaponsis becoming increasingly restricted for use in cooperation and for their support, with the rapid mobile units that Slovenian Army has developed in recent years. In addition, the decision and liability of the Republic of Slovenia that she will take part in alliance by her abilities and contribute to their share of the operation of crisis responses. Operation of this kind, shall, as a general rule, occur on more or less distant ranges. Development inthe world, demands and needs of the Slovenian Army and liability, that we gave Atlantic alliance they led us to this, that is at general long-term program of development of Slovenian Army until year 2025 written down, that wewill initiate new artillery system with guided missiles into the Slovenian Army.
Keywords:artillery, self-propelled artillery system (tracked, wheeled), extended-range, ammunition, rate of fire


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