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Title:Delo artilerijske baterije v različnih zemljiščnih in vremenskih pogojih v Sloveniji : zaključna naloga
Authors:Kosič, Andrej (Author)
Nadoh, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:V nalogi so opisani fizičnogeografski dejavniki, ki vplivajo na delo artilerijske baterije. Opisani so le ekstremni dejavniki, njihovi vplivi na vojaka in tehniko. Ter lastna razmišljanja, kako premagati takšne ovire, ki jih postavlja narava. Prav tako pa sem poizkušal najti odgovor na to kako takšne, dejavnike uporabiti v prid tehniki in moštvu. Prvo poglavje opisuje ekstremne zemljiščne pogoje in sicer na ravni kamnin, ter njihov vpliv na utrjevanje in premik. V drugem poglavju je predstavljen relief in sicer gorskiin kraški relief njun vpliv na delo in življenje v dveh ekstremnih tipih reliefa, ki se pojavljata na območju Republike Slovenije. V tretjem poglavju so opisani tipi prsti in njihov vpliv na premik vozil predvsem v povezavi s talno vodo. Četrto poglavje opisuje ekstremne vremenske dejavnike. Tako so v tem poglavju obravnavane nizke temperature, padavine v obliki snega in ledu ter megla in nizka oblačnost ter njihov vpliv na artilerijsko baterijo. V zadnjem poglavju pa je predstavljen vpliv gozda na artilerijsko baterijo.
Keywords:kamnine, relief, prst, gozd, vreme, premik, artilerijska baterija
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[A. Kosič]
Source:Ilirska Bistrica
COBISS_ID:4683982 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Kosic_Andrej_i2011.pdf (1,88 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:In a project are described physical geography factors, which have influence ona work of artillery battery. Described are only extreme factors, their influence on a soldier and technics. There are my own reflections, how to overcome impediments raised by nature. Just so I was looking for an answer, how such factors use in favour of technics and ranks. In first chapter are described extreme ground conditions on a crockery level, and their influence on fortification and movement. In a second chapter mountain and karst relief are presented and their influence on a work and life in two extreme types of relief, which appears in region of Republic of Slovenia. In a third chapter types of soil are described and their influence on a movement of trucks. Types of soil are described in correlation with water. In a fourth chapter extreme weather conditions are described. This chapter includes low temperatures, rainfall in a form of snow and ice and fog and clouds. Last chapter presents influences of a forest on artillery battery.
Keywords:crockery, relief, soil, forest, weather, movement, artillery battery


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