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Title:Funkcija načrtovanja ognjene podpore kot del procesa ciljenja/targetinga : zaključna naloga
Authors:Kobal, Martina (Author)
Kogej, Damijan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Zaključna naloga je bil oblikovana in zasnovana, da bi pomagala najti najprimernejšo napravo za navajanje podpornega ognja. Predstaviti in opisati osnovne pojme, ki determinirajo vodenje ognjene podpore, pokazati potrebne zmožnosti in funkcije instrumentov, katere uporabljajo prednji opazovalci. Preko primerjalne analize, prikazati, kaj potrebujejo prednji opazovalci pri svojem delu, pri rezultatih analize inštrumentov se upoštevajo zahteve za navajanje ognjene podpore. Cilj je predstavit primernost obstoječih inštrumentov, ki so že v uporabi v SV, ter njihov koncept delovanja v sistemu za upravljanja in vodenje ognja. Iz nabora inštrumentov, ki so na svetovnem trgu, sem izbral napravo, ki predstavlja prihodnost pri delu prednjih. V zaključku je kritični pogled na obstoječe inštrumente v SV, ter povezljivost inštrumentov s sistemom za upravljanje in vodenje ognjene podpore.
Keywords:cilj, targeting, celica ognjene podpore, častnik za targeting/ciljenje, štabni proces dela, bataljonska bojna skupina, izbira ciljev, cilji visoke vrednosti
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[M. Kobal]
COBISS_ID:4683470 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Kobal_Martina_i2011.pdf (22,17 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:The final paper has been designed and developed to help find the most suitabledevice to indicate for the fire support. Present and describe the basic concepts that determinate conduct fire support, to show the necessary features and functions of instruments, which use forward observer. Through comparative analysis, to demonstrate what the forward observer need on the front line to observe and lead fireing, the results of the analysis instruments of given requirements for leading fire support. Main goal is to present the suitability of existing instruments that are already in use in the Slovenian armed forces, and their concept of operations in the system for managing and fire management. From the list of instruments that are in the world market. I selected a device that represents the future in the forward observer work. In conclusion is a critical look at the Slovenian army exisitng instruments, and connectivity of management system for fire control and support
Keywords:target, targeting, fire support cell, targeting officer, military decision making process (MDMP), battalion combat team, target selection, high value targets


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