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Title:Oborožitev, strelivo in minskoeksplozivna sredstva v motorizirani četi : zaključna naloga
Authors:Krajnc, Jani (Author)
Iskrač, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Spremembe mednarodnega varnostnega okolja, globalni varnostni izzivi in tehnološki napredek zahtevajo stalno prilagajanje obrambnega sistema, obrambnega resorja in Slovenske vojske. Oborožitev in vojaška oprema sta materialni del bojne moči in pomembno vplivata na razmerje sil v boju. V zaključni nalogi je govora o oborožitvi, strelivu in minskoeksplozivnih sredstvih v motorizirani četi Slovenske vojske. Proučil sem namene, značilnosti, taktično-tehnične karakteristike posameznih orožij in naredil primerjave med njimi, kajti govora je o dveh različnih časovnih obdobjih oborožitve od osamosvojitve Slovenije. Na osnovi vseh podatkov, kakor tudi moje dosedanje prakse pri delu v Slovenski vojski, sem prišel do določenih zaključkov. Podal sem tudi predloge in morebitne rešitve za oborožitev motorizirane čete Slovenske vojske v prihodnje.
Keywords:oborožitev, strelivo, minskoeksplozivna sredstva, taktično-tehnične karakteristike, motorizirana četa
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[J. Krajnc]
COBISS_ID:4671438 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Krajnc_Jani_i2012.pdf (945,04 KB)
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Abstract:Changes in international security environment, global security challenges and technological improvements demand everlasting modulation of the defence systems, defence departments and the Slovenian army. Weapons and army equipment form the material base of the battle strength and have significant impact on battle forces distribution. In the present paper I present the armament, ammunition and explosive devices in the motorized company of the Slovenian army. I study the aims, general characteristics, tactical and technical characteristics of the specific weapons and I compare them between two different eras: of the newly attained independence of Slovenia and nowadays. Based on this information, as well as my own experience in the Slovenian army, I draw certain conclusions. I propose some suggestions and possible solutions for the future armament of the motorized troops in the Slovenian army.
Keywords:armament, ammunition, explosive devices, tactical-technical characteristics, motorized company


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