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TitleUsposabljanje ostrostrelcev : zaključna naloga
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Škof, Vesna (Author)
Stankovič, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Mrak, Andrej (Co-mentor)
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate SchoolKeywords:ostrostrelec, usposabljanje ostrostrelcev, ostrostrelci marinci v ZDA, selekcijaUDC:356.164:623.442.5COBISS_ID:4670670Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 10763 ogledov; 1044 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Skof_Vesna_i2012.pdf (602,31 KB)
Abstract:Usposabljanje ostrostrelcev je za Slovensko vojsko pomembna tema, saj so ostrostrelci del naše organizacije, pa vendar podatki o njihovem usposabljanjuniso pogosta tema pogovora. Zato sem se odločila, da s to zaključno nalogo predstavim usposabljanje ostrostrelcev v SV in ga primerjam zusposabljanjem ostrostrelcev marincev v ZDA. Zaključna naloga je razdeljena na več delov. Prvi del je splošni o ostrostrelcih in vsebuje predvsem teoretične podatke o opremi ostrostrelcev in njihovem delovanju. Drugi del pa govori o usposabljanju ostrostrelcev v SV, kjer sem podrobneje predstavila in opisala selektivni postopek, predmetnik ter vse teme, ki se jih kandidati učijo na takem tečaju. Poleg usposabljanja ostrostrelcev v SV, sem opisala tudi usposabljanje ameriških marincev za ved ostrostrelca. V zadnjem delu pa sem poskušala skozi primerjavo med usposabljanjem ostrostrelcev v SV in pri ameriških marincih prikazati, kako bi lahko usposabljanje ostrostrelcev v SV izboljšali in na kakšen način bi ohranjali ter nadgradili njihovo znanje. Za izdelavo zaključne naloge sem uporabila veliko različnih virov in pri zbiranjugradiva ugotovila, da je veliko tem, ki se jih kandidati učijo med usposabljanjem, javnosti skritih. Zato je bilo zbiranje virov precej težavno, podatki, ki sem jih navedla v zaključni nalogi, pa niso tajni. Pri vpogledu naširšo sliko te teme so pripomogli tudi nekateri kandidati, ki so se tega tečaja v SV in ZDA udeležili.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:Sniper training is an important topic in the Slovenian army. Snipers are a part of our organization although the inforamtion about their training isn't afrequent topic. That's why I decided that I will present sniper training in this final paper and that I will compare it with the marine sniper training.The final paper is divided into several parts. The first part talks about the sniper in general and consists mostly from theoretical information about sniper equipment and their employment. The second part consists of Slovenian sniper training. Here I have thoroughly presented the selection process and everything that the candidates learn on such a course. Besides the Slovenian training I have also included the marine sniper training process.In the final part of the paper suggests, with the comparison of the marine and Slovenian sniper training, how to improve training in the Slovenian sniper program as well as how to keep and upgrade their knowledge. For the purposes of this paper I have used many different sources. During the collection of sources I have discovered that there are many topics, that the candidates learn, that are hidden to the public eye. This is the reason why it has been so difficult to collect resources for this paper. The data that hasbeen used is unclassified. Help was also recieved by graduates of the sniper course in Slovenia and USA.Keywords:sniper, sniper training, marine sniper training, selection