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TitleDejavniki vpliva razvoja taktike (zgodovinska perspektiva) : zaključna naloga
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Authors:Marolt, Blaž (Author)
Iskrač, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate SchoolKeywords:pehota, rimska vojska, prva svetovna vojna, druga svetovna vojna, Irak, Afganistan, zunanja politika, notranja politika, tehnologija, takticaUDC:355.42:356.1(091)COBISS_ID:4669134Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 10517 ogledov; 198 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Marolt_Blaz_i2012.pdf (385,10 KB)
Abstract:Pehota velja za najpomembnejši rod vojske. Tako je bilo tudi v preteklosti. Čeprav je pehota izgubila na vrednosti v različnih obdobjih, noben rod vojske ni mogel izpeljati naloge brez prisostvovanja pehote. Ta naloga se posveča razvoju pehotne taktike skozi zgodovino. Pregledala bo rimsko vojsko, Prvo in Drugo svetovno vojno, nastanek teritorialne obrambe, in današnji vojni v Iraku in Afganistanu. V teh zgodovinskih primerih bo poiskala zakaj se je pehotna taktika spreminjala in kako. Predpostavka je, da se je taktika spreminjala zaradi notranjih razmer v državi, zunanjih dejavnikov in zaradi tehnologije. Te tri dejavnike bo poskušala povezati s spremembo taktike v prej omenjenih obdobjih. Nato bo poskušala ugotoviti podobnosti v smernicah razvoja pehotne taktike. V zadnjem delu pa bo z analizo sedanjih in prihodnjih razmer poskušala ugotoviti trende razvoja v prihodnosti in s tem tudi povezati kakšno usposabljanje bi morala imeti pehota v slovenski vojski, da bi bila v teku s časom.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:Infantry is considered the most important branch of the military. The same wastrue in the past although it varied during different eras. The fact is that no branch of the military was able to complete their task without the infantry. This paper will devote itself to learning how infantry changed it stactics through history. The study will encompas the Roman military, World Wars I and II, the establishment of the teritorial defense as well as the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It will try and understand why did infantry tactics change and how. Sthe assumption is that infantry tactics changed due to the domestic state of a country, foreign influences and technology. It wil try and conenct the three with the change in tactics in the before mentioned eras. Then it will try to find out the similarities in the developement in tactics during the different eras. In the last part it will analyze current and future situations and will try to discover the most likely course of evolution of tactics. It will then suggest what kind of training should the infantry in Slovenia have.Keywords:infantry, roman army, world war I, world war II, Iraq, Afghanistan, domestic policy, foreing policy, technology, tactics