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Title:Vzdrževanje opreme za podvodna delovanja : zaključna naloga
Authors:Polak, Sašo (Author)
Bordon, Albert (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Vzdrževanje materialnih sredstev (v nadaljevanju teksta MS, MMS) predstavlja eno od osnovnih komponent logistične zagotovitve izvajanja aktivnosti enot SV.Pod pojmom vzdrževanje MS razumemo zbir neprekinjenih organiziranih ukrepov, aktivnosti ter postopkov poveljstev, enot in zavodov SV s ciljem zagotavljanja tehnične brezhibnosti, razpoložljivosti in zanesljivosti MS, tako splošnih kot tudi specifičnih, katere uporabljajo enote SV za izvajanje svojih aktivnosti na vseh področjih. Od učinkovite organizacije, ki zajema načrtovanje, izvajanje in nadzor vzdrževanja MS je v veliki meri odvisna razpoložljivost MS ter s tem sposobnost enote za izvajanje aktivnosti tako s področja usposabljanja kot tudi samih bojnih nalog. Proces vzdrževanja MS sredstev je kompleksno in odgovorno delo, ki zahteva pravilne, natančne in strokovne postopke, pri katerih je potrebno dosledno upoštevati tako organizacijske kot tudi strogo tehnične predpise. V nalogi sem obravnaval tematiko procesa vzdrževanja opreme za podvodna delovanja v 430.MOD in v sklepnem delu prišel do zaključka, ki je potrdil zastavljeno hipotezo.
Keywords:materialna sredstva, mornariška materialna sredstva, potapljaška oprema, podvodno delovanje, funkcionalna brezhibnost materialnih sredstev, tehnična brezhibnost materialnih sredstev, vzdrževanje, organizacija dela, načrtovanje, spremljanje, nadzor, poročanje
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[S. Polak]
COBISS_ID:4275406 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Polak_Saso_i2011.pdf (2,00 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:Maintenance of the equipment is one of the fundamental components for logisticsupport of Slovenian Army unit activities. The expression equipment maintenance can be understood as joint continuous organized steps, activities and procedures of Slovenian Army units commands with the aim to ensure technical fautless, availability and reliability of the common and specific equipment used by Slovenian Army units during the performing of their activities on all fields. From the effective organization, that includes planning, performing and control of the maintenance of the equipment largely depends the availability of the equipment and with this depending capability of the unit to perform training and combat activities. The process of the maintenance of the equipment is a complex and responsible work, which demand accurate, precise and skilled procedures, in which it is necessary strictly toconsider so the organizing as technical regulations. In the composition I was treating the diving equipment maintenance process in Slovenian Army 430.Naval detachment and in the final part I came to conclusions that confirmed my hypothesis.
Keywords:equipment, naval equipment, diving equipment, underwater operation, functional faultless, technical faultless, maintenance, work organization, monitoring, control, reporting


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