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TitleNačrtovanje protiminskih operacij na morju : zaključna naloga
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Authors:Domjanič, Mario (Author)
Pucer, Valdi (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Jug, Miroslav F. (Co-mentor)
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate SchoolKeywords:morske mine, protiminski ukrepi, protiminske operacije, minolovec, minoiskalec, protiminski potapljačiUDC:359:623.368COBISS_ID:4132046Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 9823 ogledov; 216 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Domjanic_Mario_i2011.pdf (773,21 KB)
Abstract:Zaključna naloga opredeljuje morske mine, protiminske ukrepe ter protiminske operacije. Morske mine, od zgodovine do današnjih dni, predstavljajo največjo nevarnost za vse vrste plovil, zato si mornarice s protiminskimi ukrepi to grožnjo prizadevajo zmanjšati. Protiminski ukrepi, tako aktivni kot pasivni, ofenzivni ali defenzivni, predstavljajo načine kako se mornarice s svojimi protiminskimi flotami bojujejo proti minam ter premagujejo minska polja. V ta namen se izvajajo protiminske operacije, ki lahko potekajo kot podpora bojnim enotam ali pa samostojno kot čiščenje min in minskih polj, ki so ostala po končanih spopadih ali vojnah. V teritorialnih vodah Republike Slovenije obstaja problematika starih neeksplodiranih ubojnih sredstev iz časov I. in II. Svetovne vojne. Za reševanje te problematike bi bilo potrebno spremeniti določene normativne predpise, ki opredeljuje pristojnosti nad uničevanjem starih neeksplodiranih ubojnih sredstev in minsko eksplozivnih sredstev v morju, ter določiti varno točko v morju za uničevanje neeksplodiranih ubojnih sredstev (NUS) in minsko eksplozivnih sredstev (MES). Za tem pa bi se lahko načrtovala neke vrste protiminska operacija, v kateri bi protiminski potapljači Slovenske vojske, iz slovenskega morja odstranili stara NUS.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:Seminar paper defines sea mines, mine countermeasures and countermine operations. Sea mines, from history to present day, presents the greatest riskfor all types of vessels, which is why navies try to reduce this threat with mine countermeasures. Mine countermeasures, active and passive, offensiveor defensive represent the way how navies with their countermine fleets fight landmines and overcome minefields. In that purpose countermine operations are conducting. Countermine operations can be conducted in support of combat units or independently for cleaning mines and minefields which remained post-conflict or post-war. In the territorial waters of the Republic of Slovenia the problem presents old unexploded ordnance from the time of World War I and World War II. There is a need to modify certain normative regulations to resolve this issue. It would be necessary to define competence over the destruction of old unexploded ordnance and explosives devices in sea and to set a safe point in the sea where unexploded ordnance (UXO) and explosive devices could be destroyed. After that, there could be some kind of countermine operation planning in which the countermine divers from Slovenian Armed Forces would be removing old UXO from the Slovenian Sea.Keywords:sea mines, mine countermeasures, countermine operations, minesweeper, mine hunter, countermine divers