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Title:Sistem bojne odpornosti VNL Triglav : zaključna naloga
Authors:Benko, Robert (Author)
Pečar, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Zaključna naloga zajema več poglavij in zajema naslednje vsebine: - bojna odpornost ladje na splošno, - boj proti požaru, - boj proti vdoru vode. Sama naloga je poskus prikaza kako pomembna je odpornost ladje iz stališča varnostiza samo ladjo in člane posadke, pravočasno zaznavanje požara in vdora vode v njo. Z pravočasnim reagiranjem na požar, lahko preprečimo veliko večje posledice, ki se lahko razvijejo v katastrofo za ladjo in njeno posadko. Vse to se lahko ob pravočasnem odkritju naredi z dosti manj angažirane posadke prigašenju, kot kasneje ko se požar razširi po celi ladji. Tudi pri prodoru vode je čas odkritja vdora zelo pomemben, kajti tudi tu so kasnejše posledice lahko usodne za ladjo in posadko. Najpomembnejši faktor pri pravočasnem in uspešnem boju tako proti požaru, kot proti prodoru vode pa je usposobljenost ladijske posadke. Ta mora biti izurjena pri različnih postopkih prodora vode in gašenju požara. Zelo dobro mora poznati sheme ladje, vse njene sisteme in razporeditve, da lahko z hitrim pristopom prepreči večjo katastrofo na ladji.
Keywords:oborožitveni sistem, požarna varnost, vdor vode, bojna odpornost
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[R. Benko]
COBISS_ID:4131278 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Benko_Robert_i2011.pdf (271,67 KB)
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Abstract:The final thesis includes several chapters and contains the following topics: -esistance fighter ships generally. -ighting a fire -ight against the penetration of water Se is an attempt to show how important is the resistanceof a ship with position of safety to the ship and its crew members, timely detection of fire and intrusion of water into it. Timely reaction to the fire can prevent a much greater effect, which may develop into a disaster for the ship and its crew. All this can be done at the early discovery of a much less engaged in fire fighting crew, than later when the fire spread throughout the ship. Even at the time of penetration of water intrusion detection is very important because there are also later consequences can be fatal to the ship and crew. The most important factor in the timely and successful fight against the fire so as to penetrate water, and the ability ofthe crew. This must be trained in the various processes of water penetrationand fire fighting. Very good knowledge of the scheme of the ship and all its systems and arrangements that may prevent the rapid approach of the ship a greater catastrophe.


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