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Title:Logistična oskrba s konvoji : zaključna naloga
Authors:Kadilnik, Tomaž (Author)
Konjar, Jaka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Urbanc, Mihaela (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Vojaška logistika je bila, vsaj v preteklosti, pogosto razumljena le kot transport, skozi čas in izkušnje pa je pridobila na pomenu in je danes bistvenega pomena za uspešno udejstvovanje vojaških enot na mirovnih operacijah in misijah ter pomembna tudi za uspešno delo vojske v normalnih okoliščinah. Bistvena vloga logističnih enot je predvsem oskrba vojaških enot s sredstvi, ki jih le-te za svoje delo potrebujejo, še posebej velik pomen pa ima logistična oskrba na mirovnih operacijah in misijah, saj lahko le dobro opremljena in preskrbljena bojna enota uspešno izvaja svoje naloge. Izvajanje logistične oskrbe lahko logistične enote izvajajo s konvoji, ki jih glede na zahtevnost in način izvajanja, delimo na administrativne in taktične. V okviru naloge sem skušal raziskati in predstaviti bistvene razlike med izvajanjem netaktičnih in taktičnih konvojev. Slednji so pogosto razumljeni lekot administrativni premiki, čeprav na bojišču oziroma na terenu, kjer obstaja resnična nevarnost, tovrstni premiki ne obstajajo. Taktični konvoji morajo biti tako obravnavani kot bojna operacija, kar tudi so, saj na mirovnihoperacijah in misijah obstaja realna možnost, da postanejo logistični konvoji tarča nasprotnika, kar lahko pomeni za celotno vojaško enoto ohromitevnjene oskrbe s sredstvi, potrebnimi za preživetje in delo. Zato potrebujejo taktični konvoji dodatno načrtovanje in koordiniranje ter detajlnopripravo izvedbe in tako nikakor ne morejo biti obravnavani le kot administrativni premik.
Keywords:vojaška logistika, mirovna operacija, misija, logistična oskrba, administrativni konvoj, taktični konvoj
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[T. Kadilnik]
COBISS_ID:4112590 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Kadilnik_Tomaz_i2011.pdf (1,46 MB)
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Abstract:Military logistics has been, at least in the past, often seen only as a transport, through time and experience gained on the importance and is now essential to the successful engagement of troops to peacekeeping operations and missions, and also important for the successful work of the army under normal circumstances. The essential role of logistic units mainly supply troops with the supplies that they need for their work, especially as the importance of logistics in peacekeeping operations and missions, as only well-equipped and provided combat units successfully accomplish its tasks. Implementation of logistics units can be performed with logistic convoys that can be divided into administrative and tactical depending on the complexity and method of implementation. In the context of the assignment I have attempted to explore and present the main differences between the implementation of administrative and tactical convoys. The latter are often considered only as an administrative move, even on the battlefield or on the ground, where there is a real danger, such kind of movements do not exist. Tactical convoys must be so treated as combat operations, which also are, as in peacekeeping operations and missions, because there is a real chance to become the target of the enemy, which means for the entire military unit invalidating its supply of the resources needed to survive and work. Therefore, tactical convoys require additional planning and coordination and preparation of detailed designs and thus can not possibly be regarded simply as an administrative move.
Keywords:military logistics, peacekeeping operations, mission, logistic supply, administrative convoy, combat logistic patrol


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