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TitleSodobni terorizem kot asimetrična grožnja varnosti Črni gori : magistrsko delo
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Bigović, Milan (Author)
Prezelj, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Master's thesis/paperOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:terorizem, Črna gora, nacionalnovarnostni sistem, geopolitični položaj, zoperstavljanje terorizmu, policija, Agencija za nacionalno varnostUDC:323.28(497.16)(043.5)COBISS_ID:4633806Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 12599 ogledov; 303 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf RAZ_Bigovic_Milan_i2012.pdf (683,41 KB)
Abstract:Terorizem je v sodobnem svetu ena ključnih asimetričnih groženj nacionalni in mednarodni varnosti. Magistrsko delo obravnava potencialne teroristične grožnje varnosti Črne gore, sistemsko urejenost Črne gore v zoperstavljanju terorizmu, protiteroristično politiko Črne gore in z njo povezano protiteroristično zakonodajo, nosilce protiterorističnih aktivnosti v Črni gori in njihovo medsebojno sodelovanje. Glede na potencialne teroristične grožnje Črno goro najbolj ogroža mednarodni terorizem. Takšna grožnja izhaja iz geopolitičnega in geostrateškega položaja države v regiji oziroma zaradi njenih meja z državami, v katerih so pripadniki terorističnih organizacij, nadalje zaradi udeležbe njenih pripadnikov v mednarodnih operacijah in misijahter tudi zaradi privlačnosti države kot turistične destinacije, pojava vahabizma na njenem ozemlju itd. Glede na problematiko potencialne teroristične ogroženosti Črne gore se naloga osredotoča na pomen in vlogo nacionalnovarnostnega sistema Črne gore pri zoperstavljanju terorizmu ter poudarja pomembnost vzpostavitve sodobne zakonodajne ureditve in učinkovitega sodelovanja ter usklajevanja vseh subjektov nacionalnovarnostnega sistema pri zoperstavljanju terorizmu, pa tudi potrebo po sodelovanju med državami v regiji ter na mednarodni ravni. Za učinkovito zoperstavljanje terorizmu je pomembno, da se Črna gora vključuje v mednarodne varnostne organizacije, predvsem v NATO, v okviru katerega bo zagotovo povečala raven lastne varnosti tudi v prihodnje.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishTitle:Modern terrorism as an asymmetric threat to the security of MontenegroAbstract:Terrorism is one of the key asymmetric threats to national and international security in the modern world. This Master's thesis deals with potential terrorist threats to the security of Montenegro, Montenegroʼs systemic regulation in countering terrorism, its counterterrorism policy and the associated anti-terrorist legislation, holders of counter-terrorism activitiesin Montenegro and their mutual cooperation. Given the potential terrorist threats, Montenegroʼs greatest threat is international terrorism. Such a threat results from the geopolitical and geostrategic position of the country in the region and from the fact that it borders countries in which members of terrorist organisations are located. Moreover, the threat results from the participation of the countryʼs members in international operations and missions, as well as from the country's attractiveness as a tourist destination, the emergence of Wahhabism in its territory etc. With respect to the issue of potential terrorist threats to Montenegro, the thesis focuses on the importance and role of the countryʼs national security system in countering terrorism and stresses the importance of establishing a modern regulatory regime and effective cooperation and coordination of all entities of the national security system in countering terrorism, as well as the need for cooperation between the countries in the region and at the international level. To effectively tackle terrorism, it is important to include Montenegro in international security organisations, especially NATO, under which it will certainly increase the level of own security in the future.Keywords:terrorism, Montenegro, national security system, geopolitical situation, counter-terrorism, police, National Security Agency