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TitleUpor talibanov : med gverilo in terorizmom
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Authors:Aleksić, Zdravko (Author)
Svete, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Master's thesis/paperOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:talibani, asimetrično vojskovanje, terorizem, uporništvoUDC:323.28:355.43(043.5)COBISS_ID:4633294Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 12783 ogledov; 200 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf RAZ_Aleksic_Zdravko_i2012.pdf (1,52 MB)
Abstract:Magistrsko delo obravnava oblike vojskovanja talibanov, pri čemer je glavni poudarek na asimetričnem vojskovanju, v katerem gverilsko vojskovanje in terorizem predstavljata osnovno taktiko. Afganistan kljub desetletnim naporom mednarodne skupnosti postaja vse bolj nestabilna in varnostno problematična država. Talibansko uporniško gibanje od leta 2002 uspešno gradi svojo uporniško organizacijo in povečuje število vojaških aktivnosti. Svoj vpliv iz južnega in jugovzhodnega dela širi tudi v zahodni in severni del države. Čeprav je gverilsko vojskovanje značilno za uporniške skupine, je analiza vojskovanja talibanskega uporniškega gibanja pokazala, da v njihovem vojskovanju prevladujejo teroristične oblike delovanja, kar potrjuje, da v konceptu asimetričnega vojskovanja terorizem postaja vse bolj uporabljana taktična oblika. Talibani poskušajo s terorjem prisiliti prebivalstvo v podporo, saj se zavedajo, da je za dosego končnega cilja podpora prebivalstva ključna. Z uporabo asimetričnega vojskovanja se spreminjajo tudi značilnosti njihove uporniške organizacije. Ugotovitve analize vojskovanja kažejo na spremenjeno taktiko talibanov, ki so zaradi nemoči napada na mednarodne varnostne sile svoje aktivnosti usmerili predvsem v civilno prebivalstvo. Njihov način vojskovanja povzroča mednarodnim in afganistanskim varnostnim silam težave, na katere trenutno nimajo odgovora, vendar ga bo za uspešen zaključek operacije vsiljevanja miru nujno treba poiskati.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishTitle:Taliban resistanceAbstract:The dissertation deals with forms of warfare, the Taliban, with the main emphasis on asymmetric warfare, where guerrilla warfare and terrorism are constitute the basic tactics. Afghanistan, despite decades of effort by the international community is becoming increasingly unstable and problematic security state. Taliban rebels movement since 2002, successfully building a rebel organization and its growing number of military operations. Its influence in South and Southeast, it also spread to western and northern part of the country. Although guerrilla warfare characterized by the rebel groups, the analysis of warfare Taliban resistance fighters showed that in their warfare prevalent forms of terrorist activity, which confirms that in the concept of asymmetric warfare, terrorism is becoming increasingly used in tactical form. Taliban try to force the population to terror support, knowing that to achieve the ultimate goal to support key populations. The use of asymmetric warfare is changing the characteristics of their rebel organization. An analysis shows the changed warfare tactics of the Taliban, which are impossible for the attack on the international security forces, their activities were focused on the civilian population. Their method of warfare caused by international and Afghan security forces of the difficultiescurrently do not have the answer but, it will be the successful completion of imposing peace operations need to be found.Keywords:taliban, rebellion, terrorism, asymmetric warfare