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Title:Postopek vzdrževanja vojaške infrastrukture in potencial za izboljšanje : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa
Authors:Mirkac, Matic (Author)
Bosotina, Valter (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Podbregar, Iztok (Co-mentor)
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:S postopkom vzdrževanja vojaške infrastrukture v Slovenski vojski skrbijo za odpravo napak, poškodb ali okvar na inventarju, infrastrukturi ali materialnih sredstvih. Prvi del diplomskega dela je namenjen podrobni predstavitvi postopka in izpostavitvi tistih segmentov postopka, v katerih obstajajo najbolj realne možnosti sprememb za izboljšanje pogojev njegove izvedbe. Skladno s težnjo po izboljšanju stanja je diplomsko delo v drugem delu osredotočeno na čim večjo odpravo fizično prisotnega dokumentarnega gradiva iz obtoka pri izvedbi postopka, s prehodom na elektronsko poslovanje oz. z implementacijo sistemske rešitve ERP. Zaradi kompleksnosti projekta je poudarek na fazah izvedbe in tveganjih pri implementaciji, z dopolnili, kjer so znane specifikacije SAP ERP. Druga osredotočitev je na izboljšanju položaja skrbnika objekta s predlogom prenove obstoječega modela nagrajevanja.
Keywords:Slovenska vojska, vzdrževanje, skrbnik, dokumentacija, implementacija, motivacija
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[M. Mirkac]
COBISS_ID:4274894 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Mirkac_Matic_i2012.pdf (3,53 MB)
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Secondary language

Title:Procedure for the upkeep of military infrastructure and potential for improvements
Abstract:With the procedure for the upkeep of military infrastructure, care is taken to eliminate errors, external damage or malfunctions on inventory, infrastructure or material assets. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to a detailed presentation of the upkeep process and to exposure of those segments of the process where possibilities for changes which would have a positive impact on its carry-out conditions are most realistic. In line with the attempt to improve efficiency, the second part of the thesis focuses on minimizing the presence of physical documentation during the process, by a transition to electronic commerce or with the implementation of an ERP solution. Because of the complexity of the project, the focus is on the stages and risks of implementation, and includes the specifications for SAP ERP where these are known. Another focus is on proposal for improving position of facility caretaker with the upgrade of the rewards system.
Keywords:Slovenian Armed forces, upkeep, caretaker, documentation, implementation, motivation


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