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Title:Soodvisnost izobraževanja in kariernega razvoja podčastnika Slovenske vojske : zaključna naloga
Authors:Logar, Primož (Author)
Grašič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠP - Non-Commissioned Officer School
Abstract:V Slovenski vojski se zaradi potreb po ustrezno motivacijskem usmerjenem načinu delovanja in zaradi primerljivosti z drugimi vojskami pri izvajanju kadrovskega managementa vzpostavlja organiziran sistem napredovanja podčastnikov. Usposabljanje in izobraževanje sta dve od najpomembnejših nalog Slovenske vojske v miru. Z izobrazbo, usposobljenostjo in izkušnjami pa je v organizaciji, kot je vojska tesno povezano tudi napredovanje. Napredovanje podčastnika je rezultat njegovega večletnega razvoja v vojski in se odraža v vedno večji odgovornosti nalog, ki jih opravlja. Podčastnik kot poklicni pripadnik vojaške organizacije mora biti izobražen in usposobljen, ter motiviran in nagrajen, da uspešno opravlja svoje naloge v enoti in poveljstvu Slovenske vojske v katerega je razporejen. Razvoj organizacije kotje vojska je najbolj odvisen od sposobnosti njenih pripadnikov, v našem primeru podčastnikov, da dosegajo njene cilje. To pa omogoča ustrezna strategija upravljanja s kadri, ki povezuje tri ključne elemente, ki so med seboj, ne samo povezani, pač pa soodvisni in sicer sistem izobraževanja in usposabljanja, karierni model in sistem napredovanja. Vsi ti elementi skozi njihov proces implementacije neposredno vplivajo na razvoj vsakega posameznika ter vojske kot celote.
Keywords:podčastnik, izobraževanje, usposabljanje, kariera, napredovanje
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[P. Logar]
COBISS_ID:4066254 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Logar_Primoz_i2011.pdf (280,68 KB)
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Abstract:In need of an adequately motivational and guided way of work and in order to draw comparison with other armed forces in the field of personnel management, an organised system of promoting non-commissioned officers (NCO) is being established in the Slovenian Armed Forces. Education and training are two of the most important peacetime tasks of the Slovenian Armed Forces. In an organisation such as the armed forces, however, promotion is closely linked to education, training and experience. Promotion of an NCO is the result of a years-long development within the armed forces and reflects in the increasing responsibility required by the tasks they execute. An NCO, as a professional member of a military organisation, must be well educated and trained as well as well motivated and rewarded in order to successfully execute tasks within respective units or commands of the Slovenian Armed Forces. The development of an organisation such as the armed forces mostly depends on the capacity ofits members, in our case the NCOs, to fulfil its goals. This is enabled by a relevant personnel management strategy, incorporating three key elements which are not only interlinked, but also interdependent. These are education and training system, career model, and system of promotion. Through the process of their implementation, these elements have a direct impact on the development of each individual and the armed forces as a whole.
Keywords:non-commissioned officer, education, training, career, promotion


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