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TitleNato in Rusija : zaključna naloga
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Authors:Koštrun, Matjaž (Author)
Potočnik, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:ŠP - Non-Commissioned Officer SchoolKeywords:Nato, Ruska federacija, obrambni ščit, sodelovanje Nato-RusijaUDC:355.02(1-622):327(470)COBISS_ID:4063694Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 11327 ogledov; 108 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Kostrun_Matjaz_i2011.pdf (603,85 KB)
Abstract:Naloga predstavlja odnose med Natom in Rusijo s poudarkom na izgradnji obrambne-ga ščita. Partnerstvo je strateškega pomena v luči krepitve skupne varnostne politike v sedanjem času. Po razpadu Sovjetske zveze in po padcu berlinskega zidu, tradicionalnih nasprotnikov ni bilo več. Posledica tega dejanja je bila vzpostavitev novega globalnega geostrateškega položaja. Obuditev ideje o protijedrski obrambi v Evropi je povzročilo zaostrovanje odnosov, predvsem na ruski strani. Po letu 2002, s Svetom Nata in Rusije, so bili vzpostavljeni novi mehanizmi in postopki za sodelovanje. Kot ključno področje praktičnega sodelovanja Sve-ta Nata in Rusije je opredeljen boj protiterorizmu. Danes se Nato sooča s precej drugač-nimi izzivi kot v preteklosti in se mora tako ukvarjati z novo nastalimi grožnjami kot z novo nastalimi oblikami odzivanje nanje, med katere spada tudi protiraketna obrambav Evropi. Rusija je nasprotovala izgradnji protiraketnega (obrambnega) ščita, ker je v tem videla ogrožanje svoje nacionalne varnosti ter širjenje Nata na vzhod. Obrambni ščit naj bi predstavljal obrambo pred morebitnim raketnim napadom "nevar-nih" držav (Severna Koreja, Iran .).
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:This work addresses the relationships with the emphasis on the building a defense shield between NATO and Russia. Partnership is in view of strengthening the common security policy at the present time of strategic importance. After the disintegration of So-viet Union and fall of the Berlin Wall the traditional opponents were no longer there there-fore the establishment of a new global geo-strategic position is a result of the current situation. Revival of the idea of anti-nuclear defense has led to the tightening of relations, pri-marily from Russia. After 2002 NATO Council and Russia have established new mecha-nism and procedures for cooperation. The issue of combating terrorism is defined as a key area of practical cooperation. Today, NATO is facing different challenges as was in past and must also deal with emerging threats and consecutive with emerging forms of response, i.e. missile defense in Europe. Russian had opposed the constructionof missile defense shield because they saw threats to its nationalsecurity and Nato s eastward ex-pansion. Defense shield is intended torepresent defense against potential missile attack so-called "insecure" countries (North Korea, Iran, .)Keywords:NATO, Russian Federation, defense shield, Nato-Russia cooperation