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Title:Nacionalni center kriznega upravljanja in njegovo mesto v kriznem upravljanju : zaključna naloga
Authors:Kastelic, Matjaž Matej (Author)
Šmid, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠP - Non-Commissioned Officer School
Abstract:Zaradi vse pogostejših in obširnejših pojavov krize ter zavedanja kriznih situacij, da smo kot družba vedno bolj ranljivi je postalo učinkovito soočanjes krizo na nacionalni, regijski in lokalni ravni ena izmed glavnih nalog državnih organov, institucij in organizacij za učinkovit krizni menedžment. Pravilna in celovita pripravljenost na krizo, načrti delovanja v krizi, so namenjeni pred-vsem odvračanju groženj, če do nesreče ali krize pride, do pripravljenosti nanjo in učinko-vitem odzivanju. Ključnega pomena je zagotoviti optimalen in učinkovit krizni menedžment, ki obvladuje ureditve in ukrepe s ciljem obvladovanja krize in oblikovanja prihodnjega poteka krize v smislu primerne rešitve krize. Krizni menedžment mora povezovati celoten spekter različ-nih in hkrati med seboj povezanih kriznih dejavnosti, kot so obrambno-vojaška, zaščitno-reševalna, obveščevalna, policijsko-kriminalistična, protiteroristična, varnostna, gospodar-ska, okoljevarstvena, epidemiološka in zdravstvena dejavnost. Predmet naloge je predstaviti odnose oziroma sodelovanje med nacionalnim centrom za krizno upravljanje in slovensko vojsko ter združiti vso javno dostopno literaturo oz. normativne dokumente, ki definira in opredeljuje učinkovit krizni menedžment.
Keywords:nacionalni center kriznega upravljanja, krizno upravljanje, krizni menedžment
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[M. M. Kastelic]
COBISS_ID:4065998 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Kastelic_Matjaz_Matej_i2011.pdf (568,82 KB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:Due to the increasingly frequent and extensive appearance of the phenomena of crisis and awareness of crisis situations, that we as a society are more vulnerable, dealing effectively with the crisis at the national, regional and local level has become one of the main tasks of authorities of the state, institutions and organizations for effective crisis management. Correct and comprehensive crisis preparedness, crisis action plans, are designed to avert threats and if a disaster or crisis occurs, to be prepared for it and to respond effectively. It is crucial to ensure optimal and effective crisis management, which masters regulations and controlling measures in order to control the crisis and the creation of future crisis courses in terms of appropriate solutions to the crisis. Crisis management must integrate a full range of diverse and interconnected crisis services such as defense and military, rescue, intelligence, police, criminal, counter-terrorism, security,economic, environmental, epidemiological and health services. The topic of this thesis is to present the relations and cooperation between the National Crisis Management Center and Slovenian armed forces and gather all the publicly available literature or normative documents which define and identify effective crisis management.
Keywords:national center of crisis management, crisis management


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