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Title:Globalni trg delovne sile : delovanje podčastnika SV v mednarodnem okolju
Authors:Vrviščar, Andrej (Author)
Grašič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠP - Non-Commissioned Officer School
Abstract:Zaključna naloga obravnava problematiko današnjega sodobnega globalnega sveta in s tem povezano delovanje podčastnika Slovenske vojske v mednarodnem okolju.Izraz sodobni globalni svet združuje številne tehnološke, gospodarske in kulturne-družbene spremembe, ki danes krojijo tako svet globalnega trga delovne sile kot tudi vsakdanje življenje posameznika in globalno varnost v svetu. V osrednjem delu naloge sem predstavil kako globalizacija in globalni trg delovne sile vplivata na spremembe Slovenske vojske kot organizacije ter kaj to pomeni za posameznika, ki mora zadostiti novim pogojem dela, vse bolj kompleksnim in zahtevnim usposabljanjem ter pripravam za delovanje v tujini. Tukaj sem se osredotočil predvsem na podčastnika kot hrbtenico Slovenske vojske in njegov vse večji doprinos k uspešnosti in večanju njenega ugleda doma in v tujini.
Keywords:sodobni svet, globalizacija, globalni trg delovne sile, Slovenska vojska, mednarodne operacije, mednarodne misije, podčastnik, modern world, globalization, global work market, Slovenian Armed Forces, multinational operations, multinational missions, non-comissioned officer
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[A. Vrviščar]
COBISS_ID:4066766 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Vrviscar_Andrej_i2011.pdf (342,04 KB)
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Abstract:The final project deals with the problems of the modern world combined with globalization and with the challenges that a non-comissioned officer (NCO) in Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF) faces in the multinational environment. The term modern global world combines a multitude of technological, economisal and socio-cultural changes, which comprise both the global workforce market and global security aspect. In the main part of the project I presented the issuesof how the globalization and the global workforce market influence the development of SAF as an organization and what this means for the individual, who has to satisfy the new demands of the workforce market. These demands include but are not limited to increase number of high intensity education programs and possibility of having to perform the tasks beyond the national borders. Here I focused mainly on the NCOs as the backbone of the professionalmilitary and his increasing contribution to the reputation and success of the SAF both at home and abroad.


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