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TitleUporaba digitalnega radijskega sistema TETRA na MOM : zaključna naloga
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Zelenik, Tomaž (Author)
Poslončec, Dragan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Ženko, Darijan (Co-mentor)
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate SchoolKeywords:TETRA, podatkovne komunikacije, varnost, TETRA preko satelita, AfganistanUDC:621.396COBISS_ID:3747534Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 10361 ogledov; 430 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Zelenik_Tomaz_i2010.pdf (2,68 MB)
Abstract:Radijske zveze so nepogrešljiv del komunikacijskega omrežja sistemov, ki pokrivajo velika ozemeljska področja in zahtevajo vzdrževanje in upravljanje množice naprav na dislociranih lokacijah, kjer drugih komunikacijskih poti ni na razpolago. Klasični analogni sistem profesio-nalnega radija počasi postaja zgodovina, na njihovo mesto pa stopajo novi digitalni sistemi, kot je TETRA. Ti poleg klasične funkcije prenosa govora omogočajo tudi prenos podatkov vključno s protokolom IP in s tem nove možnosti uporabe na področju podatkovnih storitev. TETRA predstavlja odličen komunikacijski sistem za mednarodne operacije, kjer pripadniki Slovenske vojske opravljajo operativne naloge: varovanja baze, patruljiranja v neposredni okolici, delujejo na kontrolnih točkah, spremljanja vozil na ožjem območju, zagotavljanja zdravstvene oskrbe, usposabljanja in izobraževanja na večnacionalnih vajah. Vse bolj se pa Slovenska vojska vključuje v bojne operacije, predvsem v Afganistanu, kjer je zveza nepogrešljiva. TETRA preko satelita bi lahko nadomestila trenutne radijske zveze pre-ko VHF in HF, saj bi s svojo priročnostjo in velikim naborom možnosti klicanja, omogočala hitrejši in bolj zanesljiv pretok informacij.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:Radio communications are an indispensable part of communication networks in system which cover large geographic areas and require maintenance and management of devices on remote locations where no other communication means are available. Traditional analog professional radio systems are becoming a part of the history, and are being replaced by new digital systems such as TETRA. Besides the traditional voice communication, the new digital systems provide also data communication including IP protocol support, and thus new possibilities of data services. TETRA is an excellent communication system forinternational operations where Slovene Armed Forces carry out different operational tasks, such as protection of the base quarters, patrols in direct surroundings, actions on control points, monitoring and control of vehicles onthe narrow territory, provision of health care and health services, training and education on multinational exercises. However, the Slovene Armed Forces are getting more and more involved into combat opera-tions in Afghanistan, where the communication is indispensable. TETRA over satellite could replace the current radio communications via VHF and HF. Its convenienceand a large array of calling features would enable us faster and more reliable flow of information.Keywords:TETRA, data communication, security, TETRA over satellite, Afghanistan