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Title:Model upravljanja z logističnim kadrom v Slovenski vojski : magistrsko delo
Authors:Žibert, Uroš (Author)
Podbregar, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Tipology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Izzivi sodobnega digitaliziranega vojskovališča zahtevajo od vojske visoko usposobljen kader z ustrezno opremo. Visok tehnološki nivo, digitalizirano bojišče in velika dinamika na bojišču zahtevajo od sodobne logistike hitro prilagajanje situaciji in okoliščinam. Cilju odličnosti in sposobnosti obvladovanja izzivov sodobnega bojišča mora slediti tudi logistika Slovenske vojske. Za dosego tega cilja se mora vseskozi prilagajati in izboljševati organizacijsko strukturo, ter predvsem vlagati v svoj kader. Za učinkovito delovanje logističnega sistema je treba načrtno pristopiti k upravljanju kadra, saj se le tako logistični procesi odvijajo nemoteno. Kako preživeti na sodobnem vojskovališču? To je vprašanje, s katerim se vsakodnevno sooča vojaška logistika. In eden izmed bistvenih odgovorov na to vprašanje se skriva v upravljanju človeških virov. Za obvladovanje logističnih procesov v vojski je pomembno, da optimizira procese in sinhronizira delovanje različnih subjektov znotraj vojske, ki so vključeni v upravljanje logističnega kadra.
Keywords:Slovenska vojska, človeški viri, model, management, vojaška logistika
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[U. Žibert]
COBISS_ID:512345405 Link is opened in a new window
Files:URL http://dkum.uni-mb.si/Dokument.php?id=23223
.pdf RAZ_Zibert_Uros_i2011.pdf (991,58 KB)
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Abstract:Challenges of the modern digitized battlefield require highly qualified personnel of the army with proper equipment. The high technological level, the digitized battlefield and high dynamics of the battlefield require rapid adaptation of modern logistics to situation and circumstances. Goal of excellence and ability to handle the challenges of the modern battlefield must be followed by the Slovenian Armed Forces Logistics. To achieve this goal, it must constantly adapt and improve the organizational structure, and especially to manage human resources. The effective functioning of the logistics system requires planned approach to managing personnel, in order for logistic processes to develop smoothly. How to survive in the modern battlefield? That is the question which military logistics faces every day. And one of the key answers to this question lies in the human resources management. For the management of logistics processes in the army, it is important to optimize processes and synchronize the operations of various elements within the army involved in the management of logistics personnel.
Keywords:Slovenian Armed Forces, human resources management, model, military logistics


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