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Title:Gradbeni oddelek pri utrjevanju motorizirane čete v obrambi : zaključna naloga
Authors:Plohl, Andrej (Author)
Zupančič, Alojz (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Inženirske enote v Slovenski vojski sodijo v sile za bojno podporo, ki so namenjene zagotavljanju ognjene in operativne podpore silam za bojevanje. Inženirska podpora bojevanja vsebuje množico aktivnosti in ukrepov, da bi dosegli cilj - doseči čim boljše pogoje za delovanje in zaščito lastnih sil, s sočasnim onemogočanjem (oviranjem) sovražnikovega delovanja. Inženirci svoje znanje in tehnična sredstva uporabljajo tudi za pomoč civilnemu prebivalstvu v primeru naravnih in drugih nesreč. V nalogi je opisan postopek, po katerem gradbeni oddelek 14. INŽB zagotavlja pomoč motorizirani četi pri utrjevanju v obrambi. Opisane so vrste nalog gradbenega oddelka, čas realizacije, delovni učinek inženirskih strojev ter količina in vrsta potrebnih sredstev pri utrjevanju. Prav tako je opisan postopek načina utrjevanja položajev motorizirane čete. Podrobneje je predstavljena delitev utrjevanj, posebej sem se osredotočil na značilnosti sistemov utrjevanja, stopnje zaščite utrjevanja objektov in vrste zaščitnih slojev. Cilj naloge je predstaviti dinamiko utrjevanja motorizirane čete v realnem času. Utrjevanje zajema vse objekte utrjevanja: od objektov za ognjeno delovanje in zaščito do objektov za premik.V zaključku kritično ocenim velikost, orodje, delovne stroje in pripomočke gradbenega oddelka in predlagam izboljšave oziroma rešitve. Rešitveiščem predvsem v hitrejši realizacij naloge, v boljši in kakovostnejši opremi, ne pa v sami organizaciji dela. Za slednje sem se odločil predvsem zato, ker v nalogi operiram z majhno enoto, gradbenim oddelkom, in ne kakšno večjo inženirsko enoto, kjer je organizacija dela v sorazmerju s časom pomembnejša spremenljivka. V zaključku predstavim potreben čas utrjevanja motorizirane čete, in sicer s pomočjo gradbenega oddelka in brez njega.
Keywords:inženirske enote, motorizirana četa, gradbeni oddelek, delovni stroj, utrjevanje položajev
Year of publishing:2010
Publisher:[A. Plohl]
Source:Novo mesto
COBISS_ID:3759822 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Plohl_Andrej_i2010.pdf (2,92 MB)
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Abstract:Engineering units in the Slovenian Armed Forces are belonging to combat support forces, which are intended to provide fire support and operational support to combat forces. Engineering support includes a number of combat actions and measures with the aim of achieving the best possible conditions for the functioning and protection of their own forces by simultaneously rendering (hindering) the enemies action. The engineers use their knowledge and technical means to assist the civilian population in case of natural and other disasters. In my final work is described the process by which the engineer squad of 14th Engineer Battalion provides the motorized troops assistance in strengthening in the defense. There are also described the types of tasks of the construction department, their realization in time, engineering machinery, work performance of engineering machinery and quantity and the type of resources needed to consolidate. It also describes the method of hardening the positions of motorized troops. I have described in detail the division of consolidation, and paid particular attention to the features of the consolidation, the security level of consolidation of facilities and types of protective coating. I followed the goal, to introduce real-time dynamics of consolidation for the motorized company. Consolidation includes consolidation of all facilities, from the facilities and operation of fire protection facilities to the facilities for the movement. In the conclusion, Iassess the critical size, tools, machinery and facilities planning departmentand suggest improvements or solutions. I was looking for a solution,towards the quickest way for realization of the tasks in terms of better and higher quality equipment than in the work organization itself. For the latter, I decided primarily of the cause, because in the task I am operating with a small unit, the building department, and not with any bigger engineering unit, where the labor organization represents a significant variable in the proportion to the time. In the conclusion, I have presented the time of consolidation of motorized troops, with the help of the construction department and without him.
Keywords:engineering units, motorised company, engineer squad, machinery, fortification positions


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