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Title:Partizanski boj na Gorenjskem med drugo svetovno vojno : zaključna naloga
Authors:Berger, Jaka (Author)
Bernik, Valerija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Na Gorenjskem, kot eni od ključnih regij Slovenije, je bilo med drugo svetovno vojno zelo pestro dogajanje, ki je bilo pomembno ne le za Gorenjsko samo, temveč za celotno Slovenijo in še širše. Zato sem v zaključni nalogi predstavil partizanski boj na Gorenjskem med drugo svetovno vojno. V njej sem zbral gradivo in predstavil kratko zgodovino dogodkov, ki so se odvili na Gorenjskem med drugo svetovno vojno. Od same okupacije slovenske zemlje, prvih vstaj, ustanovitve narodne fronte pa do ukinitve gorenjskega odreda. Posebej je geografsko opredeljeno območje Gorenjske. V zaključnem delu je tudi opisana organizacija partizanske vojske na Gorenjskem in njena številčnost. Izpostavil sem tudi sistem vodenja in poveljevanja in način bojevanja partizanskih enot na Gorenjskem. V nalogi so tudi navedene glavne naloge partizanskih enot na Gorenjskem in s tem tudi njihovi uspehi in kaj so z njimi uspeli doseči. V zaključni nalogi je obdelana logistična oskrba s pripadajočimi službami. To zbrano gradivo, poda bralcu hitri vpogled v dogodke, ki so se zvrstili na Gorenjskem med drugo svetovno vojno z določenimi vpogledi v sam fenomen partizanske vojske , ki je nastala na tem območju
Keywords:Gorenjska, partizanske enote, narodnoosvobodilni boj, organizacija
Year of publishing:2010
Publisher:[J. Berger]
COBISS_ID:3754702 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Berger_Jaka_i2010.pdf (3,12 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:In Gorenjska (Upper Carniole), as one of the more important regions of Slovenia, was during the Second World War, very tense situation, which was important not only for Gorenjska, but for the entire Slovenia and beyond.Therefore, I'm presenting you a partisan war in the region of Gorenjska during World War II. I collected the literature and summarized it as: a brief history of the events that took place in the Gorenjska region during World War II, since the occupation of the Slovenian land, the first revolt, the establishment of the National Front and to the abolition of "Goreski odred".I have especially geographically defined area of Gorenjska. I have also explained the organization of partisan units and what was the attendance of the units. I have particularly exposed the leadership and command system and tactics of fighting which partisan units were using in Gorenjska. The study also outlined the main tasks of the partisan units in Gorenjska and their results. The final study describes the logistical supply services of the partisan units. This accumulated material helps the reader to achieve a fast insight into the events that took place in the Gorenjska regionduring World War II with particular details of the phenomenon of the partisan war, which has occurred in this area.
Keywords:Upper Carniole, partisan units, people's liberation war, organization


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