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Title:Odgovornost poveljnika v mednarodni operaciji ali misiji : zaključna naloga
Authors:Balog, Žigmond (Author)
Potočnik, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Vojaški poveljniki po mednarodnem pravu odgovarjajo tako za svoje odločitve kot tudi za ravnanje svojih podrejenih. Odgovornost vojaških poveljnikov ureja od druge svetovne vojne naprej institut poveljniške odgovornosti, ki predpisuje v katerih primerih je poveljnik lahko obsojen pred Mednarodnim kazenskim sodiščem. Vojaški poveljniki danes svoje delo opravljajo pretežno v mednarodnih operacijah ali misijah in ne več v vojnah v klasičnem smislu, kar pa ne pomeni, da je njihova odgovornost kaj manjša. Institut poveljniške odgovornosti se uveljavlja tudi v mednarodnih operacijah in misijah, poveljniki pa morajo pri opravljanju svojega dela ravnati v skladu s svojo domačo zakonodajo, saj največkrat odgovarjajo za svoje ravnanje pred domačimi sodišči. Pravil ki uravnavajo in omejujejo poveljnikovo delo na mednarodni operaciji ali misiji je relativno veliko, njihovo poznavanje pa je ključnega pomena za nemoteno delo pri izvrševanju nalog v tujini.
Keywords:poveljniška odgovornost, mednarodne operacije ali misije, podpora pri odločanju, mednarodno vojno in humanitarno pravo
Year of publishing:2010
Publisher:[Ž. Balog]
COBISS_ID:3747790 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Balog_Zigmond_i2010.pdf (422,61 KB)
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Abstract:Military commanders are responsible for their own decisions as for the actions of their subordinates by international law. Command responsibility as an institute of international law was established after the World War II and it prescribes in which cases commanders can be sentenced by the International Criminal Court. Today military commanders do their jobs mostly in peace keeping operations and not in classical wars, but that does not mean their responsibility is any smaller. The institute of command responsibility is also aplicable in peace keeping operations and the commanders must act in accordance with their national law because in most cases they are prosecuted in their own country. There are many rules which regulate and limit the work of commanders in peace keeping operations and they are very important for smooth execution of military tasks abroad.
Keywords:command responsibility, peace keeping operations, decision support, international law of war and international humanitarian law


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