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TitlePrestige, humiliation and saving face: national identity and great power politics
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Kassab, Hanna Samir (Author)Language:SlovenianWork type:UnknownTipology:1.01 - Original Scientific ArticleOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:varnost, vojna, konflikti, konstruktivizem, teorijaUDC:327.51:355.02article ISSN:2463-9575COBISS_ID:193659395Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 945 ogledov; 9 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf RAZ_Kassab_Hanna_Samir_i2024.pdf (468,44 KB)
Abstract:Članek zagovarja tezo, da je dinamika prestiža in ponižanja sila na sistemski ravni, ki oblikuje vedenje držav. Če psihološki dejavnik povežemo s strukturnim realizmom, ugotovimo, da močnejša, kot je država, bolj si lahko prizadeva, da bi preteklo ponižanje odpravila z agresivnimi dejanji, s katerimi si prizadeva za prestiž. Tako želi ponovno potrditi svojo moč in status, da bi izbrisala preteklo ponižanje in dosegla prestiž tudi na račun drugih. Obravnavani bodo trije zgodovinski primeri: izbris versajske pogodbe s strani nacistične Nemčije, kitajsko stoletje ponižanja in širitev Severnoatlantske zveze v Vzhodno Evropo proti Rusiji. V prispevku bo nato opredeljeno vedenje, ki omogoča tekmecu, da ohrani prestiž in se izogne ponižanju kot način za deeskalacijo napetosti.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishTitle:Prestiž, ponižanje in ohranjanje obraza: nacionalna identiteta in politika velikih silAbstract:This paper argues that a prestige-humiliation dynamic is a systems-level force that shapes state behavior. Connecting psychological factors to structural realism, we observe the following: the more powerful a state becomes, the more it could seek to overturn past humiliation through aggressive prestige-seeking acts. This is done to reassert its power and status to erase past humiliation and achieve prestige even at the expense of others. Three historical examples will be discussed: Nazi Germany’s erasure of the Treaty of Versailles, China’s Century of Humiliation, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s expansion into Eastern Europe against Russia. The paper will then define face-saving behavior, allowing a competitor to preserve prestige and avoid humiliation as a way to deescalate tension.Keywords:security, war, conflicts, constructivism, theory