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Title:Umetna inteligenca v vojaškem izobraževanju in usposabljanju
Authors:Fedran, Jasna (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Tipology:1.16 - Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Slovenska vojska in znotraj nje Center vojaških šol sta, tako kot številne izobraževalne ustanove, postavljena pred dejstvo, da izobraževalne cilje dosežeta s pomočjo novih izobraževalnih tehnologij in se modernizirata z uvajanjem umetne inteligence. Za Slovensko vojsko kot sistem je bistveno, da aktivno spremlja prizadevanja na področju umetne inteligence v izobraževanju in usposabljanju, tako na nacionalni kot na evropski ravni, ter kontinuirano vrednoti njen potencial in ocenjuje tveganja. Pomembno je, da se pred začetkom uvajanja umetne inteligence ustrezno poduči o njeni kritični, učinkoviti in etični uporabi v vojaškem izobraževalnem okolju, dejavno sodeluje s slovenskimi ter sorodnimi tujimi izobraževalnimi, znanstvenoraziskovalnimi in razvojnimi ustanovami, se ustrezno opismeni in praktično usposobi. Le tako se bodo usvojeno znanje ter izkušnje drugih strok in držav s področja umetne inteligence v izobraževanju in usposabljanju ustrezno prenesli na vse ravni Slovenske vojske, v prvi vrsti na Center vojaških šol, katerega primarno poslanstvo je kakovostno vojaško izobraževanje in usposabljanje ter izvajanje znanstvenoraziskovalne in razvojne dejavnosti. Tako bo Slovenska vojska prispevala k uresničitvi enega izmed pomembnih razvojno-usmerjevalnih ciljev, ki se nanaša na oblikovanje sodobnejšega sistema vojaškega izobraževanja in usposabljanja ter odraža verodostojnost izobraževalne, znanstvenoraziskovalne in razvojne dejavnosti na področju vojaške znanosti kot sistema vojaških ved.
Keywords:vojaško izobraževanje in usposabljanje, znanstvenoraziskovalna dejavnost in razvoj, etična načela, vojaške vede
Year of publishing:2024
COBISS_ID:192164099 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Fedran_Jasna_i2024.pdf (254,14 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Artificial intelligence in military education and training
Abstract:The Slovenian Armed Forces, and within it the Military Schools Centre, are, like many educational institutions, faced with the challenge of achieving their educational goals through new education technologies, and with modernizing themselves through the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI). The Slovenian Armed Forces as a system must actively monitor efforts in the field of artificial intelligence in education and training at the national and European level, and continually evaluate its potential and assess the risks. Before the introduction of artificial intelligence, the Slovenian Armed Forces must be appropriately trained in AI’s critical, effective and ethical use in the military educational environment; actively cooperate with Slovenian and similar foreign educational, scientific research, and development institutions; and be appropriately educated and practically trained. Only in this way will the knowledge acquired and the experience of other disciplines and countries in the field of AI in education and training be properly transferred to all levels of the Slovenian Armed Forces, and primarily to the Military Schools Centre, whose primary mission is quality military education and training, and the implementation of scientific research and development activities. In this way, the Slovenian Armed Forces will contribute to the implementation of an important development and guiding objective, which is the creation of a modern system of military education and training, and which reflects the credibility of educational, scientific research, and development activities in the field of military science as a system of military disciplines.
Keywords:military education and training, scientific research and development, ethical principles, military science


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