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Title:Securing autonomy of military barracks through renewable energy solutions
Authors:Mori, Mitja (Author)
Žvar Baškovič, Urban (Author)
Katrašnik, Tomaž (Author)
Šipec, Robert (Author)
Drobnič, Boštjan (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Tipology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:This article presents a concept of establishing a network of energy self-sufficient nodes in Slovenia and the EU, within the Defence RESilience Hub Network in Europe project initiated by the Ministry of Defence of Slovenia (MORS). The goal is to reduce the energy dependence of military facilities on external suppliers. A mathematical model of a military site’s micro-grid incorporates multiple energy vectors and their conversion and storage, with a focus on hydrogen technologies. A case study of a military site in Belgium shows that an energy system with solar and wind power can provide sufficient hydrogen for transportation needs and operate the site autonomously for up to 30 days. Additionally, the carbon footprint of the military base as an energy system was calculated, indicating potential reductions in environmental impacts.
Keywords:military sites, self-sufficient operation, renewable energy sources, hydrogen technologies, carbon footprint
Year of publishing:2023
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:179617539 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Mori_Mitja_i2023.pdf (1,19 MB)
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Title:Zagotavljanje avtonomije vojašnic z obnovljivimi viri energije
Abstract:V prispevku je predstavljen koncept, s katerim želi Ministrstvo za obrambo v okviru projekta Defence RESilience Hub Network in Europe vzpostaviti mrežo energetsko samozadostnih vozlišč v Sloveniji in EU za zmanjšanje energetske odvisnosti vojašnic od zunanjih virov. Matematični model mikroenergetskega sistema vojašnice vključuje več energijskih vektorjev in naprave za njihovo pretvorbo in shranjevanje s poudarkom na vodikovih tehnologijah. Primer vojašnice v Belgiji kaže, da je energetski sistem s sončno in vetrno elektrarno sposoben zagotoviti zadostno količino vodika za transport, sistem pa lahko popolnoma avtonomno obratuje do 30 dni. Hkrati je bil izračunan tudi ogljični odtis vojašnice kot energetskega sistema, ki nakazuje potencialno zmanjšanje vplivov na okolje.
Keywords:samozadostno obratovanje, obnovljivi viri energije, vodikove tehnologije, ogljični odtis


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