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Title:Analysis of the armed conflict: a case study of Lord’s Resistance Army
Authors:Kocjančič, Klemen (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Tipology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:One of the longest-running terrorist groups on the African continent is the Lord’s Resistance Army, originating from Uganda. Using the Christianity combined with local animism and Islam as the basis of their ideology and focusing at first on the protection of the Acholi people, this group evolved from fighting their enemies to oppressing their own people. Initially an internal conflict, the activities of the Lord’s Resistance Army spread throughout the region through a proxy war between neighbouring countries, until eventually international intervention was called for. Based on the Conflict Assessment Framework, combined with other methods, this armed conflict is analysed, showing the progress of the conflict through the time.
Keywords:analysis of the conflict, Lord’s Resistance Army, counterinsurgency, terrorism, insurgency
Year of publishing:2023
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:179357443 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Kocjancic_Klemen_i2023.pdf (432,31 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Analiza oboroženega konflikta: študija primera Gospodove odporniške vojske
Abstract:Med najdlje delujočimi terorističnimi skupinami na afriški celini je Gospodova odporniška vojska (Lord’s Resistance Army), ki izvira iz Ugande in je za osnovo svoje ideologije uporabila krščanstvo v kombinaciji z lokalnim animizmom in islamom ter se najprej osredotočila na zaščito ljudstva Aholi, nato pa iz boja proti sovražniku prešla v zatiranje lastnega ljudstva. Sprva notranji konflikt so aktivnosti skupine s posredniško vojno med sosednjimi državami razširile po vsej regiji, dokler na koncu ni prišlo celo do mednarodnega posredovanja. Na podlagi okvira za ocenjevanje konfliktov v kombinaciji z drugimi metodami je analiziran oboroženi konflikt prek napredka skozi čas.
Keywords:analiza konflikta, Gospodova odporniška vojska, protigverilsko bojevanje


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