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Title:Proxy war: its philosophy and ethics
Authors:Boda, Mihály (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Tipology:1.02 - Review Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Since the Second World War, proxy war has become one of the most widespread forms of war. One recent example, the war of Ukraine and its supporters against Russia, is being fought close to Europe. Although the theoretical features of proxy war in general have been researched in recent decades, the character of proxy war has changed since that time, which makes it necessary to study these features again. This article examines the concept of proxy war, and the ethical and particularly the justice-related implications of that concept, with the help of military philosophical and military ethical enquiry, and finds that the new style proxy relationship contains the satisfaction of the interests of the supporter and the supported at the same time, which, however, can hamper the consolidation of the conflict and reaching a lasting peace.
Keywords:proxy wars, just war theory, state interest
Year of publishing:2023
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:179291395 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Boda_Mihaly_i2023.pdf (418,88 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Posredna vojna: njena filozofija in etika
Abstract:Po drugi svetovni vojni je posredna vojna postala ena izmed najbolj razširjenih oblik vojne. Nedavni primer je vojna Ukrajine in njenih podpornikov proti Rusiji, ki poteka v neposredni bližini Evrope. Čeprav so bile teoretične značilnosti posredne vojne v zadnjih desetletjih na splošno raziskane, se je njen značaj od takrat spremenil, zaradi česar je treba te značilnosti ponovno preučiti. Članek s pomočjo vojaškofilozofskega in vojaškoetičnega raziskovanja preuči koncept posredne vojne ter etične in zlasti s pravičnostjo povezane posledice tega koncepta ter ugotavlja, da novi slog posrednega razmerja vsebuje hkratno zadovoljevanje interesov podpornika in podprtega, kar pa lahko ovira konsolidacijo konflikta in doseganje trajnega miru.
Keywords:posredne vojne, teorija pravične vojne, državni interes


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