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Title:Military and ethics : how are ethical leaders produced?
Authors:Garb, Maja (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Tipology:1.02 - Review Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Ethics is an important element of military professionalism, and a factor in military work and behaviour, especially during operations. Studies and surveys show that ethical military leaders are crucial in promoting ethical conduct within the armed forces. This article presents the work of the Science and Technology Organization’s research team on Factors Affecting Ethical Leadership, which focuses on the study of military ethics, ethical education and training, national practices of teaching ethics in the armed forces, the documentation of relevant ethical cases, and surveying the opinions of military personnel with regard to ethical military leadership.
Keywords:military leadership, ethical leaders, military ethics, ethical dilemma, Science and Technology Organization
Year of publishing:2023
article ISSN:2232-2825
COBISS_ID:165378051 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Garb_Maja_i2023.pdf (357,21 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Vojska in etika
Abstract:Etika je pomemben element vojaškega profesionalizma in pomemben dejavnik vojaškega dela in obnašanja, zlasti v operacijah. Študije in raziskave kažejo, da so etični vojaški vodje ključnega pomena za splošno etično ravnanje v oboroženih silah. Članek predstavlja delo raziskovalne skupine, ki se je v okviru Organizacije za znanost in tehnologijo ukvarjala z dejavniki etičnega vodenja. Osredotočili so se na študij vojaške etike, izobraževanja in usposabljanja iz etike ter nacionalnih praks pri poučevanju etike, dokumentirali so uporabne etične primere in raziskali stališča vojaških vodij o etičnem vojaškem vodenju.
Keywords:vojaško vodenje, etični vodje, vojaška etika, etična dilema, Organizacija za znanost in tehnologijo


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