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Title:Strateška situacija in strateški koncept ofenzive MODREGA in njegovo uresničevanje v Italiji 1943–44 : zaključna naloga 9. generalštabnega šolanja
Authors:Krejač, Jure (Author)
Furlan, Branimir (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:S pomočjo vojaške strategije se politične usmeritve pretvarjajo v konkretno vojaško aktivnost, ki bo z doseganjem zastavljenih vojaških ciljev prispevala k želenemu končnemu stanju v funkciji političnega namena. Operativne (vojne) vojaške strategije tako predstavljajo konkretno vodilo za uporabo vojaške sile na nekem vojskovališču v okvirih, kot jih je zastavila politika neke države ali zveze držav (zavezništva). V vojni in vojaških spopadih je vojaška strategija nujna. Niso pa operativne strategije iz preteklih vojaških spopadov in vojn nekaj, kar bi bilo zbrano in združeno v neki celovit, skupen dokument. Naloga poskuša analizirati vojaško strategijo zaveznikov v drugi svetovni vojni proti Nemčiji in njenim zaveznicam v Evropi. Osredotoča se na zavezniško strategijo in njeno udejanjanje v Italiji, pri čemer poskuša zavezniško vojaško strategijo analizirati tako v povezavi s preostalimi instrumenti moči vpletenih držav kot skozi operativno vojaško raven, ki zastavljeno strategijo v konkretnem času in prostoru tudi v resnici uresničuje.
Keywords:strategija, vojaška strategija, operativna veščina, italijanska kampanja
Year of publishing:2022
Publisher:[J. Krejač]
COBISS_ID:147924483 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Krejac_Jure_i2022.pdf (9,35 MB)
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Secondary language

Title:Strateška situacija in strateški koncept ofenzive modrega in njegovo uresničevanje v Italiji 1943–44
Abstract:Military strategies enable transformation of political guidance into specific military activities and actions that will contribute to desired end state in the function of political intent, by achieving determined/assigned military goals and objectives. Operational (war) strategies represent specific guidelines for the use of military instrument of power, within the framework determined by policy of a specific state or union of states (alliances) in specific theatre. Military strategy is nearly mandatory when states are involved in war or military conflicts. Operational strategies from former war conflicts are however not something to be gathered and held within a single set of document. This dissertation (thesis, essay) tries to analyze the allied military strategy in World War II against Germany and its allies in Europe. It focuses on allied strategy and its implementation in Italy. It tries to analyze the strategy in relation to other instruments of power of involved states and actors as well as through operational military level that implements the set allied military strategy in a specific time and space.
Keywords:strategy, military strategy, operational art, Italian campaign


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