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Title:Vojaška delovanja – strokovno področje razvijanja znanja veščine vojskovanja
Authors:Ribič, Anton (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Tipology:1.08 - Published Scientific Conference Contribution
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Razvoj vojaških doktrin temelji na razvitem znanju o dejavnosti in praksi vojskovanja, posledično pa so doktrine usmerjevalci razvoja veščine vojskovanja. Sistem znanja o teoriji in praksi vojskovanja oblikuje vojaško znanje. Za uspešno in učinkovito delovanje vojaške organizacije je upravljanje vojaškega znanja, ki obsega tako oblikovanje lastnih rešitev in razvijanje specifičnega znanja kot organiziranje znanja, izkušenj in védenj ter razvijanje metod prenosa znanja, zelo pomembno. Izhodišče raziskovanja vojaške veščine je struktura oboroženega spopada oziroma to, kar se nanaša na teorijo veščine vojskovanja in prakso priprave, načrtovanja in izvajanja oboroženega spopada ter na konsolidacijo vojaških enot. Vojaška delovanja spadajo k sistemu znanstveno-strokovnih področij, ki ga uveljavljamo v slovenskem prostoru, in je tisto področje, ki je nedvomno neposredno povezano z vojaško organizacijo in delovanjem oboroženih sil. Veščina vojskovanja se tako nanaša na celoten obseg vojaškega znanja in vojaških veščin, ki ga upravljajo vojaške organizacije.
Keywords:veščina vojskovanja, teorija vojaške veščine, teorija oborožitve in vojaških sistemov, vojaške vede, vojaška delovanja
Year of publishing:2023
COBISS_ID:147496963 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Ribic_Anton_i2023.pdf (135,43 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Military operations – area of expertise in the development of skills of warfare
Abstract:The development of military doctrines is based on evolving knowledge about the activity and practice of warfare, with doctrines consequently being guides to the development of the skill of warfare. The system of knowledge of the theory and practice of warfare constitutes military knowledge. The management of military knowledge (comprising both the creation of solutions and the development of specific skills), the organization of knowledge, experience and expertise, and the development of methods for the transfer of such knowledge, is of the utmost importance for the successful and effective operation of a military organization. The starting point for research into military skill is the structure of armed conflicts, or more precisely that which is related to the theory of the skill of warfare and the practice of preparing, planning and carrying out armed conflict and the consolidation of military units. Within the system of scientific and professional fields being introduced in the Slovenian environment, military operations comprise that field which is unequivocally directly related to military organization and the operation of the armed forces. The art of warfare refers to the full range of military knowledge and military skills managed by military organizations.
Keywords:art of warfare, theory of military skills, theory of weapon systems and military systems, military science, military operations


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