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Title:Analiza stroškov v življenjskem ciklu oborožitvenih sistemov Slovenske vojske : zaključna naloga 9. generalštabnega šolanja
Authors:Plazar, Anton (Author)
Cebek, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Nakup oborožitvenega sistema običajno pomeni velik zalogaj, saj so sodobni oborožitveni sistemi zelo zahtevni in zato tudi izredno dragi. Žal strošek nakupa še zdaleč ni največji strošek, ki ga bomo plačali. Če želimo imeti in uporabljati sodoben oborožitveni sistem, moramo računati na to, da bomo poleg stroškov nakupa imeli še druge stroške. Večji del stroškov se namreč pojavi med operativno uporabo in podporo uporabe oborožitvenega sistema. Stroški v celotni življenjski dobi nekega oborožitvenega sistema, imenovani tudi stroški v življenjskem ciklu oborožitvenega sistema, so od dva- do petkrat večji od začetnega stroška nakupa oborožitvenega sistema. Pomembno je, da že pri nakupu razmišljamo o teh stroških in jih, če je le mogoče, čim bolj analiziramo. S podrobno analizo stroškov v življenjskem ciklu oborožitvenega sistema še pred nakupom lahko kljub morebitnemu višjemu začetnemu strošku nabave pozneje pri operativni uporabi prihranimo zajetno vsoto in na koncu dosežemo nižje skupne stroške v življenjskem ciklu oborožitvenega sistema.
Keywords:življenjski cikel, stroški v življenjskem ciklu, obrambni izdatki
Year of publishing:2022
Publisher:[A. Plazar]
COBISS_ID:137402883 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Plazar_Anton_i2022.pdf (1,58 MB)
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Abstract:Buying a weapon system is usually a big deal for us, as modern weapon systems are very complex and therefore extremely expensive. Unfortunately, the purchase cost is far from the biggest cost we will pay. If we want to have and use a modern weapon system, we have to count on the fact that we will have other costs in addition to the purchase costs. The major part of the costs occurs during the operational use and support of the use of the weapon system itself. The lifetime cost of a weapon system, also known as the life cycle cost of a weapon system, is two to five times greater than the initial cost of purchasing the weapon system itself. It is important that we think about these costs already at the time of purchase and analyse them as much as possible. By conducting a detailed analysis of the life cycle costs of a weapon system before purchase, despite the possible higher initial purchase cost, we can later save a substantial sum in operational use and ultimately achieve lower total life cycle costs of the weapon system.
Keywords:Slovenian Armed Forces, weapon system, life cycle, life cycle costs, Slovenia


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