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Title:The problem of lexical gaps in teaching military English
Authors:Włodarczyk, Jarosław (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Tipology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Since anisomorphism, the absence of an exact correspondence between words in two different languages, often impedes the process of second language (L2) acquisition, L2 teachers need to recognize effective methods for dealing with it. In an experiment involving a total of 109 students, we tested several methods of teaching English language military vocabulary particulars which lack direct Polish language equivalents. The results suggest that L1 translation is less effective in dealing with lexical gaps than monolingual explanations, presentation of the terminology in context, and illustrating its meaning with examples. However, the results also indicate that the use of L1 for contrastive analysis may help students cope with anisomorphism.
Keywords:English for specific purposes, military terminology, vocabulary teaching, nonequivalence, anisomorphism
Year of publishing:2022
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:125376003 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Włodarczyk_Jarosław_i2022.pdf (407,54 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Problem leksikalnih vrzeli pri poučevanju vojaške angleščine
Abstract:Ker anizomorfizem oziroma odsotnost natančnega ujemanja besed v dveh različnih jezikih pogosto ovira proces učenja tujega jezika, morajo učitelji tujega jezika najti učinkovite metode za njegovo obvladovanje. S poskusom, v katerem je sodelovalo 109 slušateljev, smo preizkusili več metod poučevanja vojaških slovničnih posebnosti angleškega jezika, za katere ni neposrednih ustreznic v poljskem jeziku. Rezultati so pokazali, da je pri leksikalnih vrzelih prevajanje v materni jezik manj učinkovito od enojezičnih razlag, predstavitev terminov znotraj konteksta in ponazoritev njihovega pomena s primeri. Rezultati kažejo tudi, da slušateljem pri anizomorfizmu pomaga uporaba kontrastivne analize v maternem jeziku.
Keywords:strokovna angleščina, vojaška terminologija, poučevanje besedišča, pomenska neprekrivnost, anizomorfizem


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