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Title:Geostrategic perspectives of Slovenia in a changing world
Authors:Tovornik, Uroš (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Tipology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:The article focuses on Slovenia’s geostrategic foundations, and defines its geostrategic paradigm and perspectives. It pays particular attention to identifying the country’s geopolitical core and its underlining elements in order to discern the key influencing factors that could have an impact on its geostrategic position. The main argument is underpinned by using Mackinder´s Heartland and Spykman´s Rimland geopolitical theories. To reinforce it, the author also refers to Friedrich Ratzel’s Organic geopolitical theory, and the work of Saul Cohen, Rudolf Kjellén and Karl Haushofer. The article concludes with possible geostrategic options for Slovenia in the context of an ever-changing world.
Keywords:geopolitics, Slovenia, geostrategy, Adriatic, heartland, rimland
Year of publishing:2022
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:125084675 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Tovornik_Uros_i2022.pdf (977,00 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Geostrateške perspektive Slovenije v spreminjajočem se svetu
Abstract:Članek je namenjen opredelitvi geostrateških temeljev Slovenije ter z njimi povezane paradigme in perspektiv, s katerimi se lahko država v prihodnosti sreča. Posebna pozornost je namenjena identifikaciji geopolitičnega osrčja Slovenije in elementom, ki so z njim povezani, da bi prepoznali dejavnike, ki vplivajo na njen geostrateški položaj. Rdeča nit argumentacije temelji na geopolitičnih teorijah Mackinderja (Osrčje) in Spykmana (Obrobje). Da bi jo poudaril, se avtor sklicuje na organsko geopolitično teorijo Friedricha Ratzela, dela Saula Cohena, Rudolfa Kjelléna in Karla Haushoferja. Ob koncu članka so predstavljene geostrateške možnosti Slovenije v kontekstu nenehno spreminjajočega se sveta.
Keywords:geostrategija, Jadran, osrčje, obrobje


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