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TitleAn assessment of the impact of relations with major powers on national security: Nigeria in perspective
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Oluwagbire, Olusola Kolawole (Author)Language:EnglishWork type:UnknownTipology:1.02 - Review ArticleOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:international relations, national security, Nigeria, foreign policy, major powers, geopoliticsUDC:327(669.1)article ISSN:2463-9575COBISS_ID:125009667Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 2670 ogledov; 5 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf RAZ_Oluwagbire_Olusola_Kolawole_i2022.pdf (363,34 KB)
Abstract:Relations between states under the Westphalia system have been characterized either by power struggles or mutual benefits in all spheres, including politics and the military. It has been conjectured that the foreign policy objectives of major powers normally influence the national security of other states. Nigeria, a country in West Africa, is an example of such a state whose national security is believed to be influenced by its relations with the major powers. An assessment of the degree of such influence on Nigeria’s national security is the focus of this contribution. We point out that there is indeed such influence in areas such as balance of trade, military capacity, societal values and interference with Nigeria’s regional dominance.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:SlovenianTitle:Ocena vpliva odnosov z velesilami na nacionalno varnost: primer NigerijeAbstract:Za odnose med državami v okviru vestfalskega sistema je bil značilen boj za oblast ali pa vzajemne koristi na vseh področjih, vključno s politiko in vojsko. Zunanjepolitični cilji velesil naj bi navadno vplivali na nacionalno varnost drugih držav. Nigerija, država v Zahodni Afriki, je primer take države, na katere nacionalno varnost naj bi vplivali njeni odnosi z velesilami. V prispevku poskušamo oceniti stopnjo tovrstnega vpliva na nacionalno varnost Nigerije. Poudarjamo, da tak vpliv v resnici obstaja na področjih, kot so trgovinska bilanca, vojaški potencial, družbene vrednote in poseganje v regionalno prevlado Nigerije.Keywords:zunanja politka, velesile, geopolitika