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Title:Predsednik Republike Slovenije kot vrhovni poveljnik obrambnih sil
Authors:Krek, Uroš (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Tipology:1.03 - Short Scientific Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Vloga in pristojnost predsednika republike kot vrhovnega poveljnika sta opredeljeni z Ustavo Republike Slovenije, Zakonom o obrambi ter s Pravilnikom o izvrševanju obveznosti do predsednika republike na obrambnem področju. Če je z ustavo opredeljena vloga povsem razumljiva, pa se odpira vprašanje, ali je Zakon o obrambi sledil določilu ustave oziroma ali je izvajalcem dejavnosti na obrambnem področju sedanja ureditev povsem jasna, zlasti v morebitnih razmerah, ki bi zahtevale sodelovanje vrhovnega poveljnika obrambnih sil pri izvajanju obrambe. Avtor navede dileme, različne poglede na sedanjo ureditev, izkušnje iz sodelovanja z vrhovnim poveljnikom, pa tudi morebitne možnosti nadaljnjega urejanja tega področja.
Keywords:Predsednik Republike Slovenije, vrhovni poveljnik obrambnih sil, Ustava Republike Slovenije, Zakon o obrambi, Slovenska vojska
Year of publishing:2022
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:110040579 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Krek_Uros_i2022.pdf (383,85 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:President of the Republic of Slovenia as Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces
Abstract:The role and authority of the President of the Republic as Commander-in-Chief is defined by the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, the Defence Act and the Rules on the Execution of Obligations to the President of the Republic in the Field of Defence. While the role defined by the Constitution is perfectly understandable, the question arises whether the Defence Act has followed the provisions of the Constitution or whether to those working in the field of defence clearly understand the current regulation, in particular in possible situations, which would require the involvement of Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces in the provision of defence. The author sets out the dilemmas, the different views on the current arrangements, the experience of working with Commander-in-Chief, as well as possible options for further regulation in this area.
Keywords:President of the Republic of Slovenia, Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces, Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, Defence Act, Slovenian Armed Forces


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