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Title:Violent acts against healthcare institutions and workers in Hungary
Authors:Ráczkevy-Deák, Gabriella (Author)
Work type:Article
Tipology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:The present cross-sectional quantitative research aims to gain a sense of which form of violence is the most common in Hungarian healthcare institutions. It aims to assess whether communication, simulation, and self-defence training is provided in institutions, to find out whether workers would participate in such training, and to assess the relationship between training (communication, simulation, self-defence) and confidence. Healthcare workers are affected by most acts of violence coming from patients. The most common type of aggression on the part of patients and relatives is verbal aggression, including teasing, verbal abuse, and threats of abuse. The data show that communication training alone is not enough to make health workers confident. They should have a tool in their hands, e.g., practice after selfdefence education, simulation practice, as this makes it easier for the employee to communicate.
Keywords:aggression, healthcare, prevention, training, self-defence, confidence
Year of publishing:2021
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:88195587 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Raczkevy-Deak_Gabriella_i2021.pdf (429,73 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Nasilna dejanja nad zdravstvenimi ustanovami in njihovimi zaposlenimi na Madžarskem
Abstract:Namen te presečne kvantitativne raziskave je ugotoviti, katera oblika nasilja je v madžarskih zdravstvenih ustanovah najpogostejša. Z njo želimo oceniti, ali se v teh ustanovah izvaja usposabljanje za komunikacijo, simulacijo in samoobrambo. Cilj je ugotoviti, ali bi se zaposleni udeležili takega usposabljanja, in oceniti povezanost med usposobljenostjo (komunikacija, simulacija, samoobramba) ter stopnjo samozavesti. Žrtve večine nasilnih dejanj pacientov so zdravstveni delavci. Najpogostejša oblika agresije pacientov in njihovih svojcev je verbalna agresija, vključno z zbadanjem, verbalno zlorabo in grožnjami z zlorabo. Podatki kažejo, da le usposabljanje v komunikaciji ni dovolj za dvig samozavesti pri zdravstvenih delavcih. Treba jim je zagotoviti orodje, kot so na primer praktične vaje po usposabljanju iz samoobrambe.
Keywords:agresija, zdravstvo, preventiva, usposabljanje, samoobramba, samozavest


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