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Title:The public’s perception of the Territorial Defence Forces in Poland
Authors:Zielińska, Małgorzata (Author)
Łatacz, Joanna (Author)
Zauer, Joanna (Author)
Work type:Article
Tipology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:The functioning and activities of the Territorial Defence Forces and the behaviour of its soldiers are among the many interests of the Military Office of Social Research in the Military Centre for Civic Education, which conducts social research in the military environment. Poles were asked if they believed that the tasks of this new formation should primarily be assistance in actions to combat the effects of natural and other disasters, defence of local people and infrastructure, or other military operations. The Territorial Defence Forces engaged in the fight against the consequences of the pandemic in Poland. The main goal of this article is to present the major Polish research dedicated to the Polish Territorial Defence Forces.
Keywords:Territorial Defence Forces, social research, social perception, SARS-CoV 2, crisis management
Year of publishing:2021
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:88184835 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Zielińska_Latacz_Zauer_i2021.pdf (456,69 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Javno mnenje o Teritorialni obrambi Poljske
Abstract:Vojaški urad za družbene raziskave Vojaškega centra za državljansko vzgojo, ki se ukvarja z družbenimi raziskavami v vojaškem okolju, med drugim proučuje tudi delovanje in dejavnosti Teritorialne obrambe Poljske ter vedenje njenih pripadnikov. Poljake so vprašali, ali menijo, da bi morale biti naloge te nove formacije predvsem pomoč pri obvladovanju posledic naravnih in drugih nesreč, obramba lokalnega prebivalstva in infrastrukture ali druge oblike vojaškega delovanja. Teritorialna obramba je sodelovala tudi pri obvladovanju posledic pandemije na Poljskem. Glavni cilj članka je predstaviti veliko poljsko raziskavo na temo Teritorialne obrambe Poljske.
Keywords:Teritorialna obramba, Poljska, družbene raziskave, družbena percepcija, SARS-CoV 2, krizno upravljanje


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