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Title:The cognitive aspects of Europeʼs security and defence challenges
Authors:Senčar, Igor (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Tipology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:The European post-Cold War order was based on a pan-European consensus that democracy was the only source of legitimacy % until the Kremlin opposed the realization of a Europe whole, free and at peace with itself. There has been a paradigm change from cooperation to systemic competition. Russian revisionism poses the greatest security threat to Europe. The nature of the threat was realized rather late. The assault on the post-Cold War order was not just a classic war, which relies on hard power; instead, the war also took place in the cognitive sphere, which represents a particular challenge for open, democratic societies. Furthermore, it was also a normative assault. An effective response requires a mental shift and the strengthening of cognitive resilience as well as solidarity as the key foundations of security.
Keywords:cognitive resilience, European Union, information warfare, normative conflict, revisionist power
Year of publishing:2021
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:81113091 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Sencar_Igor_i2021.pdf (293,86 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Kognitivni vidiki evropskih varnostnih in obrambnih izzivov
Abstract:Evropski posthladnovojni red je temeljil na panevropskem konsenzu, da je demokracija edini vir legitimnosti, dokler se niso udejanjanju vizije celovite in svobodne Evrope, ki je v miru sama s seboj, uprle kremeljske oblasti. Prišlo je do spremembe paradigme % sistemsko tekmovanje namesto sodelovanja. Ruski revizionizem pomeni največjo varnostno grožnjo za Evropo. Narava grožnje ni bila pravočasno zaznana. Pri napadu na posthladnovojni red ni šlo le za klasično vojno, ki temelji na trdi moči, saj vojna poteka tudi v kognitivni sferi, kar za odprte, demokratične družbe pomeni poseben izziv. To je bil tudi normativni napad. Za učinkovit odgovor sta nujna mentalni premik in krepitev kognitivne odpornosti ter tudi solidarnosti kot eni najpomembnejših temeljev varnosti.
Keywords:kognitivna odpornost, Evropska unija, informacijska vojna, normativni konflikt, revizionistična sila


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