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Title:Organizacija taktične vaje z bojnim streljanjem (TVBS) srednje pehotne čete (SrPČ) v napadu : zaključna naloga štabnega šolanja
Authors:Beader, Marko (Author)
Slak, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Slivečka, Damjan (Co-mentor)
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Naloga obravnava organizacijo ofenzivne taktične vaje z bojnim streljanjem srednje pehotne čete na poligonu Poček. Skozi pregled in analizo normativnih podlag opredeljuje področje streljanja in formiranja srednje pehotne čete. Te zmogljivosti so opredeljene preko zmogljivosti za višje formacije srednje bataljonske bojne skupine tako iz slovenskih virov kot tudi aktov zavezništva. Kot predlog za mogoče kasnejše načrtovanje je priložen koncept za izvedbo, ki koristi že razpoložljive in planirane zmogljivosti SV.
Keywords:TVBS-Č, koncept, srednja pehota, srednja bataljonska bojna skupina, dodatne zmogljivosti, poligon Poček
Year of publishing:2021
Publisher:[M. Beader]
COBISS_ID:74611203 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Beader_Marko_i2021.pdf (7,68 MB)
.pdf SPEC_Beader_Marko_i2021_priloga_01.pdf (2,62 MB)
.pdf SPEC_Beader_Marko_i2021_priloga_02.pdf (114,89 KB)
.pdf SPEC_Beader_Marko_i2021_priloga_03.pdf (7,80 MB)
.pdf SPEC_Beader_Marko_i2021_priloga_04.pdf (1,14 MB)
.pdf SPEC_Beader_Marko_i2021_priloga_05.pdf (1,07 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:This thesis talks about the organization of an offensive company live fire exercise for medium infantry forces on the Poček training area. Through the analysis of different normative documents, a proposal on the composition of those forces was made. These were defined through the capabilities of higher echelon units such as medium infantry battalion group from Slovenian and international sources. A possible course of action for a life fire exercise is proposed taking into account capabilities that the Slovenian armed forces already have or are planning on purchasing them.
Keywords:live fire exercise, concept, medium infantry forces, medium infantry battalion group, enablers, Poček training area


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