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Title:Vpliv vojaško-geografskih dejavnikov na uporabo oborožitvenih sistemov MOTČ : študija primera vrednotenja dejavnikov prostora in oborožene sile
Authors:Smodiš, Aleš (Author)
Ribič, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Predmet raziskovanja v nalogi je analiza učinkov dejavnikov prostora značilnih razredov zemljišč za Republiko Slovenijo na bojevanje enote. Analiziral sem vpliv dejavnikov na zmogljivost, ognjeno moč in bojni potencial motorizirane čete. V nalogi sem se osredotočil na vrednotenje dejavnikov prostora in oborožene sile za krajinske vzorce, ki prekrivajo pretežni del ozemlja Slovenije: subpanonsko, predalpsko in kraško krajino. S pomočjo analize vojaško-geografskih dejavnikov posamezne krajine in primerjavo učinkov na delovanje motorizirane čete sem vrednotil njen bojni potencial v posameznem prostoru, ki se kaže predvsem skozi možnosti razvoja enote in možnosti uporabe oborožitvenih sistemov.
Keywords:motorizirana četa, oborožitveni sistemi, krajinski vzorci, vojaško-geografski dejavnik
Year of publishing:2021
Publisher:[A. Smodiš]
COBISS_ID:74485763 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Smodis_Ales_i2021.pdf (1,38 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:The thesis analyses of the effects of spatial factors of land classes typical for the Republic of Slovenia on the fighting of the unit. It analyses the influence of the factors on the efficiency, firepower and combat potential of a motorized company. The thesis focuses on evaluating spatial factors and armed forces for landscape patterns covering the predominant part of the territory of Slovenia: sub-Pannonian, pre-alpine and karst landscapes. The analyses of military-geographic factors of individual landscapes and the comparison of their influences on the functioning of motorized company were used to evaluate their potential in individual areas seen mostly through the potential for the unit%s development and the possibilities of using weapon systems.
Keywords:motorized company, weapon systems, landscape patterns, military-geographical factors


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