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TitleDefence initiatives to strengthen the security of the European Union
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Authors:Garb, Gregor (Author)Language:EnglishWork type:ArticleTipology:1.03 - Short Scientific ArticleOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:EU GS, defence initiatives, CARD, PESCO, EDF, EU-NATO cooperation.UDC:355.02(1-622NATO:4-6EU)article ISSN:2463-9575COBISS_ID:72686083Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 3457 ogledov; 15 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf RAZ_Garb_Gregor_i2021.pdf (375,52 KB)
Abstract:Following the mission of the European Union Global Strategy (EUGS), and with the aim of achieving strategic defence autonomy, the EU Member States unanimously adopted and implemented various initiatives to strengthen the development of the EU%s capabilities: CARD, PESCO and the EDF. By achieving strategic defence autonomy as a priority, the EU will become a respectable global power and, as such, it will no longer be one that depends solely on great powers to provide for its level of ambition. In this way, the EU will also harden its traditional soft power to protect its strategic interests. Nevertheless, cooperation between the EU and NATO will remain essential and is crucial for European and global security.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:SlovenianTitle:Obrambne pobude za krepitev varnosti Evropske unijeAbstract:Izhajajoč iz poslanstva Globalne strategije za zunanjo in varnostno politiko EU iz leta 2016 in s ciljem doseganja strateške obrambne avtonomije so države članice EU soglasno sprejele in uvedle pobude za krepitev razvoja zmogljivosti EU, kot so CARD, PESCO in EDF. Z doseganjem strateške obrambne avtonomije kot prednostne naloge bo EU postala ugledna svetovna sila in ne bo več tista, ki bo za doseganje svoje ravni ambicij odvisna le od velikih sil. Z izpolnjevanjem tega cilja bo EU krepila svojo že tradicionalno mehko moč pri zaščiti strateških interesov. Kljub temu bo sodelovanje med EU in Natom še naprej nujno za evropsko in svetovno varnost.Keywords:EU GS, obrambne pobude, CARD, PESCO, EDF, sodelovanje med EU in Natom