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Title:Modeli napredovanja brigade v stik in boj v srečanju : zaključna naloga višjega štabnega tečaja
Authors:Stergar, Gorazd (Author)
Ribič, Anton (Author)
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Organizacija NATO (angl. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) uvršča napredovanje v stik in boj v srečanju med prehodne vrst delovanja (torej tiste, ki omogočajo prehod iz ene vrste delovanja v drugo, na primer iz defenzivnega v ofenzivno), kamor spadajo še izvidovanje, varovanje, povezovanje enot, umik, prosti umik, zamenjavo enot, prečkanje in prehod skozi ovire in pohod. Napredovanje v stik je taktična aktivnost, katere namen je vzpostaviti stik s sovražnikom ali ga ponovno vzpostaviti po prekinitvi, boj v srečanju pa taktična aktivnost, do katere pride, kadar se nepopolno razvite sile med premikom srečajo s sovražnikom na nepričakovanem mestu in ob nepričakovanem času. Osrednji predmet zaključne naloge je raziskovanje značilnosti napredovanja v stik in boja v srečanju kot tiste vrste bojnega delovanja, ki jo karakterizirajo hiter razvoj situacije, kratek čas bojevanja, hiter razvoj iz bojnega razporeda v premiku v razpored za napad, iskanje šibkih točk v razporedu, iniciativnost, intenzivna uporaba manevra za doseganje odločilne prednosti in izkoriščanje uspeha. Opredelitve teoretičnih pojmov in konceptov v NATO primerjamo s tistimi v Slovenski vojski in kopenskih vojskah Združenih držav Amerike, Ruske federacije in nekdanje Jugoslovanske ljudske armade. Osredotočamo se na taktična načela in izvajanje manevra. V nadaljevanju teoretične ugotovitve preverimo na dveh zgodovinskih primerih boja v srečanju - Jelenov Žleb 1943, v katerem sta si nasproti stala bataljon Italijanske vojske in dve brigadi slovenske partizanske vojske, in Prohorovka 1943, v katerem se je Nemški II. SS oklepni korpus bojeval s silami sovjetske 5. oklepne gardne armade, oblikujemo model napredovanja sodobne šolske brigade v stik in z modeliranjem bojevanja ob upoštevanju pridobljenih teoretičnih spoznanj in zgodovinskih izkušenj ugotavljamo, kaj vpliva na učinkovitost poteka boja v srečanju. Precejšen del raziskovanja predstavljajo taktične skice v prilogah, ki pripomorejo k razumevanju konceptov napredovanja v stik in boja v srečanju.
Keywords:napredovanje v stik, boj v srečanju, brigada, taktika, bojno delovanje
Year of publishing:2021
Publisher:[G. Stergar]
COBISS_ID:69066755 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Stergar_Gorazd_i2021.pdf (7,85 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) considers Advance to contact and Meeting engagement part of Enabling activities that link, support or create the conditions for Offensive, Defensive and Stability activities. Other forms of Enabling activities are Reconnaissance, Security, Link-up, Withdrawal, Retirement, Relief of troops, Crossing and Breaching of obstacles and March. Advance to contact is a tactical enabling activity that aims to gain or re-establish contact with the enemy, while Meeting engagement is a tactical enabling activity / combat action that occurs when a moving force, incompletely deployed for battle, engages an enemy at an unexpected time and place. The main topic of this thesis is the research of Advance to contact and Meeting engagement characteristics. Both before mentioned tactical activities are distinguished by fast situation development, short fighting period, fast development from travelling formation into attack formation, determination of weak points in disposition of enemy%s forces, initiative, and intensive use of maneuver to gain superior disposition of forces and exploitation of success. The terms and concepts of NATO%s Advance to contact and Meeting engagement are analyzed and compared to those of the Slovenian Armed Forces, the United States Army, the Ground forces of the Russian Federation and of the former Yugoslav People%s Army. The focus of research throughout the thesis is on tactical principles and forms of maneuver. The theoretical concepts are verified on two Meeting engagement examples: Battle at Jelenov Žleb in 1943 as an example of Meeting engagement between a battalion of Italian Army and two brigades of Slovenian Partisans, and Battle at Prohorovka in 1943 between the German Second SS Armoured Corps and the Soviet Fifth Guards Tank Army. Later on, author develops a model of Advance to contact of a contemporary brigade and analyses a model of Meeting engagement battle. The analysis answers the question what determines the effectiveness in Meeting engagement battle. A significant part of the thesis is composed of Annexes. They include many tactical sketches, which are extremely beneficial to the overall understanding of Meeting engagement battle.
Keywords:advance to contact, meeting engagement, brigade, tactics, combat operations


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