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Title:Monistic theory of human rights and paralysis of security systems : the case of illegal migration
Authors:Svetlič, Rok (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Tipology:1.02 - Review Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:This article analyzes the specific risks that concern the basic functioning of the state which are not the result of the inefficiency of the authorities but of their legal paralysis. Through the interpretation of legal acts, an ideological agenda which is incompatible with the fundamental postulates of liberal democracy enters social reality. Consequently, security authorities are paralyzed in performing their tasks, as they are treated as potential violators of human rights. The solution cannot be sought at a legislative level, but at the level of a complex theory, based on the realization that democracy is incompatible with the passivity and paralysis of repressive authorities, as well as with their excesses.
Keywords:philosophy of law, human rights, security authorities, illegal migration
Year of publishing:2020
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:31206403 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Svetlic_Rok_i2020.pdf (736,54 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Monistična teorija človekovih pravic in ohromljenost varnostnih sistemov : primer ilegalnih migracij
Abstract:V prispevku analiziramo posebna tveganja, povezana s temeljnim delovanjem države, ki niso posledica neučinkovitosti oblasti, temveč njene ohromljenosti s pravnega vidika. Z razlago pravnih aktov v družbeno resničnost vstopi ideološki program, ki ni združljiv s temeljnimi postulati liberalne demokracije. Posledično so varnostni organi ohromljeni pri opravljanju svojih nalog, saj so obravnavani kot potencialni kršitelji človekovih pravic. Rešitve za to ni mogoče iskati na zakonodajni ravni, temveč na ravni kompleksne teorije, ki temelji na spoznanju, da je demokracija nezdružljiva s pasivnostjo in ohromljenostjo represivnih organov, pa tudi z njihovimi ekscesi.
Keywords:filozofija prava, človekove pravice, varnostni organi, ilegalne migracije


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