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Title:The relevance of military families for military organizations and milirary sociology
Authors:Jelušič, Ljubica (Author)
Jelušič Južnič, Julija (Author)
Juvan, Jelena (Author)
Work type:Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:This article presents the history of relations between the military family and the military organization, which have varied from forbiddance, to ignorance, regulation, and finally to inclusion in the military community. The turning point appeared at a time of introducing all volunteer force when the loyalty of families towards the military became important for recruitment and retention of service members. This was also the moment for military sociology to discover the military families as interesting to deploy the general sociological concepts of greedy institutions, work-life balance, negotiation between military and family, etc. The militaries in Slovenian territory followed these trends. Slovenian military sociologists contributed an important part of the knowledge of Slovenian military families to global social science achievements.
Keywords:military family, history of relations between military and family, comprehensive care for service members of the SAF, research of military families in military sociology
Year of publishing:2020
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:19930883 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Jelusic_Ljubica_i2020.pdf (380,39 KB)
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Title:Pomembnost vojaških družin za vojaške organizacije in vojaško sociologijo
Abstract:Prispevek predstavlja zgodovinski pregled odnosa med vojaško družino in vojaško organizacijo, od prepovedi, zanikanja in nadzora do vključitve v vojaško skupnost. Prelomnica v obravnavanju družine je prehod na poklicno popolnjevanje, ko postane lojalnost družine do vojske bistvena za pridobivanje in zadrževanje vojaškega osebja. Hkrati je vojaška družina postala zanimiva vojaškosociološka tematika raziskovanja, tako v kontekstu sociološkega koncepta pohlepnih institucij kot v dihotomiji ravnotežja med delom in življenjem. Vojske, ki so nastajale na slovenskih tleh skozi zgodovino, so sledile svetovnim trendom glede obravnave družin, slovenski vojaški sociologi pa so prispevali pomemben delež spoznanj o slovenskih vojaških družinah h globalnim vojaškosociološkim dosežkom.
Keywords:vojaška družina, zgodovina odnosa med družino in vojsko, celostna skrb za pripadnike SV, raziskovanje vojaških družin v vojaški sociologiji


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