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Title:Sodobni trendi v slovenski vojaški terminologiji
Authors:Pečovnik, Tina (Author)
Work type:Article
Tipology:1.02 - Review Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Slovenski vojaški jezik se je začel po osamosvojitvi pospešeno razvijati, po priključitvi Natu pa se je bilo treba spoprijeti z novimi jezikovnimi zahtevami in predvsem vplivi angleščine. V prispevku je predstavljen pregled terminološkega delovanja na Ministrstvu za obrambo, kritično so ovrednoteni terminološki procesi in načini pridobivanja terminologije, prav tako pa je izpostavljena potreba po formalno odobrenih postopkih standardizacije in nujni vlogi prenovljene komisije za standardizacijo. Terminotvorna tipološka razvrstitev enojezičnih slovenskih terminov, ki se v sodobnih vojaških besedilih pogosto pojavljajo, prikazuje nujnost po sodobnem in bolj sistematičnem pridobivanju ter preučevanju terminologije, prav tako pa je podlaga za predstavitev posameznih primerov terminotvornih praks v vojaški terminologiji.
Keywords:vojaški strokovni jezik, standardizacija, terminotvorje, terminološka načela, jezikovna intervencija
Year of publishing:2020
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:17295619 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Pecovnik_Tina_i2020.pdf (397,38 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Contemporary trends in Slovene military terminology
Abstract:Following Slovenia%s independence, Slovene military language began to develop rapidly. After the country joined NATO, however, it had to face new language requirements and, in particular, the influence of the English language. The article presents an overview of terminological efforts at the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia. It critically evaluates terminology processes and the ways of obtaining terminology, but also emphasizes the need for formally approved standardization procedures and the vital role of a renewed standardization commission. The term-formation typological classification of monolingual Slovene terms frequently found in contemporary military texts points to the necessity for modern and more systematic term acquisition and terminology research procedures, and serves as the basis for the presentation of individual examples of term formation practices in military terminology.
Keywords:military technical language, standardization, term formation, terminological principles, terminological intervention


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